Dealing with Grief

Experiencing or anticipating the death of a loved one or community member takes on many different meanings for people. Grief is a natural process of adjusting to such a significant loss.

Some days the grieving person is focused on their pain; other days they may feel less distressed. Sometimes just sitting with someone without having to say anything is the greatest gift you can give a grieving person.

Responding to grief

How we respond to someone who is grieving can impact the way that they move through the process.

Caring for yourself

While grieving, it is important to take care of your mind, body and soul.


For those who are grieving, there are a variety of resources available on campus.

For grief counseling, Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS) is available to students and graduate students and Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) is available to faculty and staff.

If the loss involves navigating law enforcement and or the legal system contact the Office of Victim Assistance (OVA) for advocacy support.