Faculty and Staff Engagement Survey 2025
Faculty and Staff Engagement Survey, 2025
The 2025 Faculty and Staff Engagement Survey is set to launch Tuesday, April 8, 2025. Respondents will have until April 22, 2025 to take the survey. The survey is administered by CU Boulder Department of Human Resources, in partnership with the Arthur J. Gallagher Co., sponsored by CU Boulder Provost Russ Moore and Interim Senior Vice Chancellor Jennifer McDuffie. The survey will measure the status of our workforce, focusing on sense of belonging, enthusiasm, commitment, and job satisfaction. In 2023, we had a 76% staff survey response rate and a 55% faculty response rate, with an overall response rate of 66%. We hope to surpass the overall response rate in 2025 to further engagement and action steps towards improving the work experience of the CU Boulder campus community.
Facts and Figures, 2023
The 2023 survey closed on Friday, April 28, 2023. Results were shared with executive leaders and engagement champions in July. With help and guidance from Engagement Champions, departments will review their results and conduct action planningin the fall of 2023.The Faculty and Staff Engagement Survey wasadministered by the CU Boulder Department of Human Resources. The survey wassponsored by CU Boulder Provost Russ Moore and Chief Operating Officer Pat O’Rourke.
- The survey measuredseveral research-based elements of engagement—enthusiasm for one’s work,career satisfaction, pride in the institution, intent to stay, connection to the mission of the institution, and others. The 2023 survey also measured aspects of faculty and staff wellness, as well as information on the hybrid work environment.
- The goal of the survey wasto gather information from our faculty and staff toinform interventions and initiatives that enhance the faculty and staff experience.Survey findings provide insight into the impact of leadership actions and provide trending data on key themes of importance to the campus community.
- The Department of Human Resources partneredwith the Arthur J. Gallagher Co. to administer the survey.
- The 2023 survey wasthe third engagement survey conducted by the Department of Human Resources. Previous surveys were conducted in 2017 and 2020.
Current & Previous Survey Results
Engagement Champions
Engagement Champions are representatives from respective units across campus who assist in the support and facilitation of faculty and staff engagement in their specific departments.