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Three ICS Graduate Students Awarded Beverly Sears Research Grants

Congratulations to ICS graduate students Yoni Ashar, Hee Jung Jung and Marianne Reddan for receiving highly prestigious Beverly Sears Research Grants.

Originally know as the Dean's Small Grants Program, grants have been awarded to over 1,500 students. In 1999, in recognition of her longstanding loyalty to and efforts on behalf of the Graduate School, the program was renamed the Beverly Sears Graduate Students Grants, and an endowment was created to become a permanent funding vehicle for the grants. Funding has been provided largely by annual gifts from a total of 2,500 individual donors, to be given to graduate students conducting high quality of research at the CU Boulder campus.

The Institute of Cogntive Science is pleased to recognize the research being led by these students, and will be following their contributions to the fields of congnitive science.

To learn more about the variety of Graduate Program offered by ICS, please visit our Graduate Program page.