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2019 Brain Awareness Week A Successful Outreach Activity

2019 Brain Awareness Week @ CU Boulder series of activities offered by the Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium @ICS.

From speaker and panel events targeted to parents, caregivers, teachers, students, a 'Brain Bumble' highly interactive and fun educational event for high school students, to the Community Brain Day Expo where researchers shared what they know and are exploring with community members ages 4 to 104, the 2019 Brain Awareness Week events were better than ever.  

If you missed this year's events, go to INC @ICS Brain Awareness Week page to see what was offered this year. 

Brain Awareness Week (BAW) is a global campaign started by the  to "increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research, unites the efforts of partner organizations worldwide in a week-long celebration of the brain. During BAW, partners organize fun and fascinating activities in their communities to educate and excite people of all ages about the brain and the promise of brain research."

We look forward to seeing you in March 2020!