Squeezing in the dark of a superradiant roller coaster

Squeezing in the dark of a superradiant roller coaster

Feb. 19, 2024

In pair of new papers published in Physical Review Letters and Physical Review A, Ana Maria Rey (JILA, NIST) and her team demonstrate a new method of harnessing superradiant emission using spin-squeezed states—a discovery that could push the frontiers of quantum metrology in a fascinating way.

State leaders announce details of bipartisan legislation to accelerate Colorado’s thriving quantum ecosystem, build on CU Boulder’s quantum legacy

State leaders announce details of bipartisan legislation to accelerate Colorado’s thriving quantum ecosystem, build on CU Boulder’s quantum legacy

Feb. 15, 2024

Governor Jared Polis unveiled plans to invest in Colorado’s quantum ecosystem via a new refundable tax credit program that aims to maximize the state’s competitiveness as a tech hub—including CU Boulder, already a global leader in quantum research and innovation.

LongPath Technologies, a CU Boulder spinout, leads on methane detection

LongPath Technologies, a CU Boulder spinout, leads on methane detection

Feb. 12, 2024

LongPath harnesses quantum technology to detect methane emissions from oil and gas operations, an innovation that benefits industry and investors—and the planet. Recently, LongPath received landmark financial backing from the DOE to accelerate the scale-up of the company’s monitoring systems.

CU Boulder-convened Quantum Community Coalition unveils vision for Colorado’s ‘Quantum-Ready Workforce’

CU Boulder-convened Quantum Community Coalition unveils vision for Colorado’s ‘Quantum-Ready Workforce’

Feb. 11, 2024

A statewide coalition of higher education and industry partners has outlined a detailed vision for Colorado to translate its legacy as a national leader in Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST) into workforce development and educational opportunities for students and workers across the state.

Observing a new clock systematic shift

Observing a new clock systematic shift

Jan. 26, 2024

Compared to the one-dimensional optical lattice used in traditional atomic clocks, the strontium quantum gas clock confines atoms in all directions by placing them in a 3D lattice. This approach has unique benefits, as outlined in a new study published by Jun Ye (Physics, JILA, NIST) and his team in Science.

Watch: Cindy Regal on finding new ways to explore quantum systems

Watch: Cindy Regal on finding new ways to explore quantum systems

Jan. 25, 2024

"One thing exciting about this experiment is that right now, there are not a lot of people doing these sorts of things—combining cryogenics with optical tweezers," says Ting-Wei Hsu, a graduate student working with Cindy Regal (Physics, JILA) at Q-SEnSE, an NSF Quantum Leap Institute led by CU Boulder.

The tale of two clocks: Advancing the precision of timekeeping

The tale of two clocks: Advancing the precision of timekeeping

Jan. 25, 2024

In collaboration with JILA and NIST Fellow James Thompson, Jun Ye's team generated quantum entanglement using spin squeezing, resulting in an enhancement in atomic clock performance operating at the 10-17 stability level. Their novel experimental setup was recently published in Nature Physics.

Quantum seed grants awarded to advance industry and university innovation projects in Colorado

Quantum seed grants awarded to advance industry and university innovation projects in Colorado

Jan. 25, 2024

CU Boulder has announced seven winners of the 2023-2024 translational quantum research seed grants, incentivizing quantum science and technology innovations launched from the lab to accelerate them along the development path to new programs and businesses.

What coffee with cream can teach us about quantum physics

What coffee with cream can teach us about quantum physics

Jan. 24, 2024

In quantum computer chips, information can quickly jumble up, like the cream in your morning coffee. However, Rahul Nandkishore (Physics) and his team have demonstrated that scientists can create a scenario where the milk and coffee never mix, potentially expanding the memory capabilities of quantum chips.

B-C-S—Easy as I, II, III: Unveiling dynamic superconductivity

B-C-S—Easy as I, II, III: Unveiling dynamic superconductivity

Jan. 24, 2024

After simulating superconductivity in an excited state using an atom-cavity system, research teams at JILA have observed three distinct phases of superconducting dynamics, including a rare “Phase III” featuring persistent oscillatory behavior predicted by condensed matter physics theorists but never before observed.
