Membership Bylaws
In order to ensure there is adequate representation on the Infrastructure & Sustainability Inclusive Excellence Committee (ISIEC) of its key stakeholders, membership will include but may not be limited to:
- Infrastructure & Sustainability (I&S) Staff
- Campus Members at Large
- Faculty
- Students-graduate and undergraduate
A conscious effort will be made to monitor the makeup of the committee to insure a balance of identities (e.g. gender, nationality, race, abilities, etc.).
The membership will consist of approximately the following:
- I&S Staff (up to fifteen members)
- Campus Members at Large (up to six members)
- University of Colorado-Boulder (CU) students (up to two graduates and two undergraduates)
- In order to泭maintain efficiency and effectiveness, total membership should be no more than 30.
Expectations of Committee Members
Members will work together to continually develop, enhance, and implement University of Colorado-Boulder and the Department of Infrastructure & Safetys vision and mission of inclusivity. Committee members are expected to:
- Have worked for the university for a minimum of one year and have supervisor approval.
- Actively participate in committee activities by bringing views, opinions, expertise, etc., to the table as we continue to shape and develop an inclusive environment;
- Physically attend a majority of ISIEC meetings and actively participate in discussions, training, and activities;
- Join and actively participate in subcommittees as needed and/or according to expertise and/or interest. Subcommittees shall follow the approval process for projects and events as outlined in Appendix A;
- Have an open mind and willingness to challenge and be challenged in working towards change;
- Members are expected to communicate with one of the co-chairs if they cannot attend a meeting. If a member misses more than three meetings in one year, they may be asked to vacate their spot on the committee. If a committee member is unable to meet the obligations set forth, they shall submit a letter of resignation to the co-chairs.
- Committee members need to be able to have an open and honest discussion during meetings. There needs to be respect for conversations held during the meetings, without fear of information being shared outside of the meeting with a member name attached.
- Remain engaged in the recruiting process by recommending committee members as needed.
- Except under special circumstances, ISIEC meetings will take place on the first Friday of each month.
Length of Service
All committee members are respectfully requested to commit to a minimum of one (1) year of service to the CU community. This year shall be based on the academic year and run from September to September.
Unless the Committee itself wishes to limit the length of service, members may serve sequential terms.
Generally, student representatives may serve as long as they are enrolled and degree seeking at CU. Student representatives are not rendered ineligible for service if they are not enrolled during a single academic quarter or a single academic semester. However, if the latter is the case, the student should try to recommend someone to take his/her place on the committee during his/her absence.
Duties of Officers
- Co-Chairs. Co-chairs shall preside at all meetings of the membership. They shall sign all agreements on behalf of the committee and perform other duties as warranted by the position.
- Co-chairs elect. Co-chairs elect shall work with the co-chairs on all issues to be prepared to assume the office of co-chair during the next term.
- Co-chairs shall serve a three-year term, or sequential terms as determined by the committee.
- Co-chairs elect shall serve a term of one year in preparation of taking office as co-chair.
- Co-chairs shall not have any disciplinary action one year prior to service.
- If an I&S HR Representative is not elected to a co-chair position, an I&S HR Advisory Role will be created.
Recruiting of Committee Members
- Current committee members may recommend colleagues, associates, students, etc. for membership to the committee as needed and/or appropriate.
- The application process for committee membership is as follows:
- Each candidate will fill out a ISIEC application form and submit it to the ISIEC Membership subcommittee chair for consideration.
- The membership subcommittee shall review the application documents.
- Interview/s will be conducted by at least one member of the subcommittee.
- Final decision for committee membership shall be made by the Chair(s) based on the recommendations of the Membership subcommittee.
- One of the Chair(s) will contact the candidate to inform him/her of the decision.
Friends of the Committee
This is a special group of friends or advisors to be included on email updates and invited to meetings and events. ISIEC friends can be university students, factory or staff who have expressed an interest in ISIEC but are unable to commit to the committee membership requirements. They could be volunteers or subcommittee participants on events, training, etc. Friends can also be business/community members or at large. Friends would receive notification of events, updates on meeting agenda items of interest, etc.