Published: May 11, 2017
Sarah Gavison

SarahGavison, PhD Candidate in History and Jewish Studies,is entering the writing phase of her dissertation.For the academic year 2017-2018, Sarah was awarded two prestigious fellowships, the Truman Library Institute’s Dissertation Year Fellowship and the 's Graduate School Dissertation Completion Fellowship, in order to finish her dissertation on “What Should We Do with the Jews? The USSR, the US, Jewish refugees in Post-World War II Europe, and the Creation of Israel.” She intends to graduate in the Spring 2018.

This summer, she will present part of her work at the King’s College of London at the diplomatic history conference “When East meets West: The Second World War in Global Perspective” (June 21-23), and participate in the International Forum of Young Scholars on East European Jewry in Prague (July 3-6).