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Dr. Zuo visited the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and presented at a seminar


Dr. Zuo visited the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory during 11/14-15, 2016. He gave a presentation at the semiar titled "From Buildings to Cities: Research and Development of Modelica-based Technique for Real-world Applications" at the Energy Technologies Area.

The contents of the presentation are listed below:

As an innovative approach for system modeling and simulation, the equation-based Modelica language has recently gained a lot of interests from the building industry. Despite the broad interests, the adoption of Modelica in the building industry is still in its early stage and there are not many real-world applications in the U.S. Based on the LBNL’s Modelica Buildings library, the Modelica-based technique was further developed and applied to solve real-world problems. This seminar introduced the research and development using three real-world projects:

(1) Model-based controls optimization for chilled water plants;

(2) Controls design and evaluation for an energy and water efficient hotel in Miami Beach;

(3) Modeling of a net zero energy community on an island in the Gulf of Mexico.

Finally, the plans were discussed to develop tools for energy efficient data center cooling through the new DOE BENEFIT project and to extend the Modelica-based technology to model smart, sustainable, and resilient cities through two newly funded National Science Foundation projects.

Detailed information can be found at https://eetd.lbl.gov/news/events/2016/11/15/from-buildings-to-cities-re.