Air Quality
- A team of investigators from the Colorado School of Public Health at CU Anschutz Medical Campus and 做厙輦⑹ has identified that people living in homes with high ventilation are more likely to suffer from respiratory health issues such as asthma.
- Professor Shelly Miller was awarded a $1M grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to study impacts of climate change on indoor air quality. Her most recent study explores the effects of ventilation rates on human health in low-income Denver-area neighborhoods.
- Nine to 33 million visits to the emergency room for asthma worldwide may be triggered by breathing in air polluted by ozone or fine particulate matter according to a study published by Associate Professor Daven Henze and collaborators.
- A massive research and education effort on energy and environmental issues led by CU Boulder engineering faculty is ending after a five-year run with significant results relevant to Colorados growing energy industry.
- You may have noticed that the air quality in parts of Colorado has been worse than usual for the past few days. Wildfires burning across the U.S. (although notably not in Colorado) have caused smokey skies of late. This far-flung
- Humans spend about 90 percent of our lives inside, so its time we analyzed what were breathing while were there. There has been a huge gap between the research done indoors and out, said Marina Vance, a professor in the mechanical
- Wyoming and Colorado are in the top ten natural gas producing states. But in those states and across the country a lot of that gas is escaping straight into the air. Scientists are now working to come up with a better way to track those leaks
- Marina VanceHOMEChem field experiment seeks to understand how daily activities impact the home environmentIn the United States, as well as in most of the developed world, people spend about 90 percent of their time indoors. In
- Study indicates challenges of meeting ozone goalsAfter decades of progress in cleaning up air quality, U.S. improvements for two key air pollutants have slowed significantly in recent years, new research concludes. The unexpected finding indicates
- Congratulations to mechanical engineering assistant professor Marina Vance for being honored with an Outstanding Young Alumni by her alma mater, Virginia Tech.The VA Tech Academy of Distinguished Alumni recognizes alumni of the Charles E. Via, Jr.