Published: Oct. 23, 2024 By

Cody GoetzPhoto credit: DB Productions

Cody Goetz (MM ’19, piano performance + pedagogy) was part of the first cohort to graduate from the College of Music with a Graduate Certificate in Arts Administration. In 2022, he became executive director of .

“It's my firm belief that the arts administration program helped prepare me to become a nonprofit executive,”Goetz says.

According to its website, Mundi Project “actively breaks down socioeconomic and generational barriers by providing high quality music experiences for all.” Mundi Project programs place donated pianos with people or organizations that can’t afford them, teach community piano classes, put on workshops and concerts covering various musical cultures and intergenerational learning, and more.

Under Goetz's leadership, Mundi Project is the recipient of a $130,000 grant from as part of a new pilot program from the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with South Arts and in collaboration with the other five U.S. regional arts organizations. More than 4,000 organizations applied; only .

“These grants support specific projects that will strengthen the organizations’ capacity to sustain meaningful community engagement and increase arts participation for underserved groups and communities,” shares Goetz.

Specific to Mundi Project, the ArtsHERE award will support two key initiatives: Creating a strategic plan and providing professional development in community music education, trauma-informed practices, accessibility and cultural competency for staff, board, teaching artists and volunteers. “These initiatives will strengthen Mundi Project’s capacity, cultivate an inclusive culture and improve program delivery to better serve diverse communities,” adds Goetz.

“I want to express my gratitude for my educational experience at CU Boulder and how the power of my experience has led me to have early successes in my arts administration career.”

Congratulations to Goetz and the entire Mundi Project team!