Promoting your event

Keep in mindonly promotes events open to the public andofficially sanctioned by the College of Music. CU Presents willDzԱpublicizean event(whether or not using a College of Music venue) once it is approved andscheduled with the College of Music Scheduling Office (see Step 1: “Schedule your event”).

What kind of event would you like to promote?

  • Your event must be scheduled and confirmed with the Scheduling Office (“Step 1: Schedule your event”) before CU Presents is able to promote it.
  • Maximize audience reach by scheduling your event and submitting your publicity information as soon as you are able, or at least4 weeks (28 days)before your event.This is a firm deadline, we cannot accept promotion information afterthat date.
  • After submission, it requires1-3 weeksto complete and release informationto the public, depending on the number of other events in line for publicity.
  • While you may not be able to answer all of the requested information, the more that you can provide helps the promotions team reach more audiences.

Printed materials

If you would like to promote your event with a poster or flyer, please download and use the printable design templates below.

Posters for social media

Generally, we do not recommend creating text-on-image posters for concerts to share on social media. They can be difficult to retract if they contain out-of-date or incorrect information, they do not necessarily fulfill accessibility standards for people with sight disabilities, and they are not optimal content for social media algorithms. Instead, we recommend sharing the event page through social media. Alternatively,a picture (especially one from rehearsal) with the details of the concert in the description field also works well.

Your student recital must be scheduled and confirmed with the Scheduling Office (see on the left “Step 1: Schedule your event”) before you begin publicizing.

Spreading the word about your performance is a great way to fill the audience at your degree recital, while also getting some great experience in self-promotion. In today's market, personal invitations and testimonials sell performing arts events better than anything else, so no one can better promote your performance than you can.

Here are some promotionactivities you can start on today!

Consider a dual recital

Presenting a dual recital with a fellow musician means dual promotional efforts, dual fun and dual audience. Visit Step 1 (on the left) for more information on how to partner with a fellow classmate on producing your student recital. Please note that dual recitals are only available to Junior undergraduate students.

Share a link with us [due4 weeks (28days)before]

Recitals are listed on the College of Music website Send us a link to a page of more informationso that interested patrons can learn more about your concert. You can send us a link to your Facebook event (just make sure you have it set to “Public”) or a link to your personal website.

Links are due at least4 weeks (28 days)before your recital.Links can be sent toElise Zabala.

Build a Facebook event page

Go toand click “Create Event”and follow the instructions to build your event page (note: this will require first creating a Facebook profile). Consider adding to your event page:

  • A biography about you
  • The pieces you will perform
  • Your insights into the work you will be performing
  • An attractive cover photo

Once you have created your Facebook event page, be sure to invite friends and family. Also, post to the wall of your event page to build excitement and remind people that your event is coming up.

Send personal invitations

Whether it's a handwritten note, a text message or an email, sending a personal invitation to the people in your network is one of the strongest promotional tools you have. A good time to send invitations is1 weekbefore your concert, and be sure to follow up in the days just before.

Print posters

Campuses like ours are filled with opportunities to publicizeconcerts on public bulletin boards. Below, there are examples of the kind of posters you can make. We suggest printing them at. Remember to include:

  • The title of your concert
  • Date and time of your concert
  • Location of your concert

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3


Contact Elise Zabala, Marketing Manager at