Musicology + music theory
- When Joy Yamaguchi graduates from our College of Music next week with a Doctor of Musical Arts degree, the work she started here will continue. Completing this degree has helped me realize my strength and solidify my focus as a multifaceted artist, she shares.
- Assistant Professor of Music Theory Leah Frederick will join the College of Music in fall 2024.
- This year marks a milestone for Professor of Musicology Carlo Caballero whoalong with his academic partner Stephen Rumph, professor of music history at the University of Washingtonwill co-host the Faur矇 Centennial Festival in Boulder, Feb. 27-March 3.
- Associate Professor of Music Theory Steven Bruns and the late, renowned composer George Crumb shared a close, long-lasting professional relationship and a deep friendship that began in 1992. As Bruns nears retirement this spring, he reflects on his role as Crumbs archivist and biographer.
- Alumnus Dylan Fixmers variegated and prolific career aims to inspire empathy and advance community engagement.
- In a campus and community collaboration, were looking forward to an exciting residency featuring two outstanding artistsrenowned klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals and celebrated silent film pianist Donald Sosin.
- When it comes to 20th- and 21st-century music, Professor of Music Theory Daphne Leongalong with her colleagues in the world of rhythm in music performance and scholarshipengages in intense research and endless experimentation which brought her to Montreals McGill University for a recent residency.
- The American Music Research Centers interim director, Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology Austin Okigbo, shares the centers fall semester highlightsincluding free performances of Song of Pueblo on campus and in Pueblo, Colorado.
- Professor of Musicology Robert Shay and 10 of our students went beyond the traditional classroom this summerto Vienna, Austria! Part of the CU Boulder Study Abroad program, this exciting, interdisciplinary two-week experience was one of several instructor-led Global Seminars.
- Congratulations to Izzy Fincherthe College of Musics Outstanding Graduating Senior this springwho will graduate with a BM in classical guitar performance, a BA in journalism, a business minor with a Music Entrepreneurship Certificate and a Music Theory Certificate, exemplifying the College of Musics universal musician mission.