Schedule your event

What type of event are you scheduling?

Fully-supported recitals occur in Grusin Music Hall (C112) or the Chamber Hall (S102) and enjoy professional technical support from College of Music and CU Presents staff. Services include livestreaming, recording, stage management, publication and marketing. The is required to schedule a fully-supported recital.

Step 1: Planning

Before you reserve a date for your recital, please take the following planning steps:

  • View and . Updated in real-time.
  • Request a collaborative pianist.
  • Obtain approval from your instructor, recital graders and collaborative pianist for your preferred slot.
  • Review recital slots to confirm your preferred slot is still available before proceeding to Step 2.

Step 2: Payment

  • .

Step 3: Slot selection + confirmation

  • After your payment has been received and processed, you will receive an email from the Scheduling Coordinator directing you to the signup website to select your slot.
  • After reserving, you will receive an email from the signup website. This is not your official confirmation.
  • Once the Scheduling Coordinator schedules your recital, you and your instructor will receive an official EMS confirmation. Now your recital is officially scheduled!

Student recital “need to know”

Junior Recital Policy

The junior recital requirement is a half-recital only. Therefore, juniors must find a partner to share a recital slot with. Only one person from a shared recital should complete the signup process (steps 1-3 above, in order). Remember to include your partner’s full name and instrument.

General Scheduling + Dress Rehearsal Info

  • Recitals must be scheduled at least 6 weeks in advance.
  • Fully-supported recitals occur in Grusin Hall (C112) or the Chamber Hall (S102) at standard performance times:
    • Weekdays at 7:30 p.m.
    • Saturday/Sunday: 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m.
    • Recital reservations include 60 minutes for load-in and 30 minutes for teardown.
  • Dress Rehearsals:
    • You may schedule up to two hours for dress rehearsals.
    • Dress rehearsals must be scheduled during the same semester as your recital.
    • Dress rehearsals are scheduled on a space-available basis.
  • Questions? Contact

Keyboard Requests

Advanced Staging + Sound

If your recital requires sound reinforcement or audio needs beyond basic audio playback, contact Kevin Harbison, College of Music Recording Engineer, at kevin.harbison@colorado.eduat least two weeks before your recital.





Email music-scheduling@colorado.eduand your applied professor if you need to reschedule your recital.

Cancellation + Refund Policy

To receive a full refund, you must cancel at least 30 days before your scheduled recital date. Within 30 days, you will be provided with a partial refund of $50. Any cancellation made one week or less before the scheduled recital will result in no refund given. Contact

Self-managedstudent recitals occur in Imig S134. While this recital option is offered at no cost, it is important to understand that professional support services are not provided. Therefore, you will independently coordinate and manage recording, livestreaming and/or stage management. Self-managedstudent recitals do receive a calendar listing and program if all CU Presents deadlines are met (see Steps 2 and 3).

Step 1: Plan Your Self-ManagedStudent Recital

Before you reserve a date for your recital, please take the following planning steps:

Step 2: Slot selection + confirmation

Ready to reserve? Include the following details:

  • Requested date/time
  • Your full name
  • Degree
  • Instrument

Your recital is officially scheduled when you and your instructor receive an EMS confirmation directly from the College of Music Scheduling Coordinator.

Self-managedstudent recital "need to know"

Junior Recital Policy

The junior recital requirement is a half-recital only. Therefore, juniors are required to find a partner to share a recital slot with. Only one person from a shared recital should complete the signup process (follow steps 1-2 above, in order). Remember to include your partner’s full name and instrument.

General Scheduling + Dress Rehearsal Info

  • Recitals must be scheduled at least 6 weeks (42 days) in advance.
  • “Self-managed” recitals occur in S134 at standard times:
    • Weekdays at 7:30 p.m.
    • Saturday/Sunday: 2p.m., 4:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m.
    • Recital reservations include 60 minutes for load-in and 30 minutes for teardown.
  • You may schedule up to two hours for dress rehearsal.
  • Dress rehearsals must be scheduled during the same semester of your recital.
  • Dress rehearsals are scheduled on a space-available basis.

Questions? Contact

Keyboard Requests

Recital Programs

  • Read “Step 3: Create your performance program.”
  • Students who miss the program deadline or have an off-campus recital are required to submit a digital copy of the program to the appropriate Associate Dean.



Cancellation + Rescheduling


Scheduling a Public Guest Artist Master Class, Recital or Lecture

These events must be scheduled at least 6 weeks in advance.Guest artist events are not permitted inNovember, December, April or May.

Step 1: Find a date and time

Find an open timeand place by referencingthe College of Music Planning Calendar.

Step 2: Complete the COM scheduling request form

College of Music faculty and/or staff mustcomplete the scheduling request form for public guest artist events, including master classes, recitals and lectures.

Step 3: Complete the CU Boulder EMF form

After your event is approved, complete the CU Boulder Campus Event Management Form. CU Boulderrequires thisfor any public event.

Step 4: Book acollaborative pianistor a harpsichord (if needed)

If you wish to work with a CU Boulder collaborative pianist, visit this page.

​If you wish to use a harpsichord, coordinate with Ted Mulcahey at

Step 5: Promoting your event

Once your event is approved, submit publicity information to CU Presents staff;see “Promoting your event.”

Special + New Events

Special and new events at the college, such as those that last multiple days or take place in different locations, require approval from the Dean's Cabinet. This does not apply to one-time guest recitals, master classes, Faculty Tuesdays or standard ensemble performances. All events presented in partnership with other organizations also require approval from the Dean’s Cabinet. Questions? Contact Ted Mulcahey, College of Music Operations Manager,

A/V + Technical Support Info

Tech Questions?

Livestream Policy

Regular College of Music events at standard performance times in Grusin Hall (C112) and the Chamber Hall (S102) receive livestreaming services. These include student ensemble performances, Faculty Tuesdays, supported degree-required student recitals and other pre-approved events. The college does not livestream guest artist events or self-managed degree-required student recitals.

Self-Produced Livestream Info

If applicable, include a link to where your livestream can be accessed and any special instructions in your publicity information (Step 2: Publicize Your Event). Questions? Contact Elise Zabala, CU Presents Marketing Manager, at

Self-Produced Zoom Streams

For Zoom events open to the public, you must set up advanced registration for a webinar to control attendance and/or limit viewer interaction. This step can help safeguard against “Zoom bombing.”

Copyright Material + Broadcast Rights Policy

Before beginning any livestream, you must verify that you have broadcast rights for all copyrighted material. Thisincludes, but is not limited to, music, imagesand/or text contained in your livestream. CU holds music broadcast rights under , and . You are solely and fully responsible for any and all technical issues that may occur during a self-produced livestream.

Audio/Video Equipment

The A/V (S216) office has equipment available for checkout free of charge. For information regarding availability or other questions, contact Dustin Rumsey, College of Music Media Specialist,


Contact the Scheduling Office during business hours: