Department Newsletter - Summer 2022

Letter from the Chair
Welcome from the New Political Science Chair
By Andy BakerWelcome to the first CU Political Science newsletter in seven years! It is high time that we catch up. But first things first: Who’s the new guy? My name is Andy Baker, and I became chair of the CU Department of Political Science on July 1, 2021. I’m thrilled to share with you in this n...
Political Science Initiatives
STUDIO Research Lab: A Political Science Initiative Expands to the Social Sciences
The STUDIO Research Lab: What It Is and Where It Is GoingBy Andrew Nonnemacher and Andy BakerIf ever there was a win-win initiative, the STUDIO Labis it. STUDIO pairs CU undergraduate students with CU social science faculty to work as paid research assistants on research projects. In other words, s...
Student Achievements
Kavya Kannan, Outstanding Graduate
By Andrew Nonnemacher and Andy BakerSuccessfully completing a degree as a triple major is a rare feat for anyone, but Kavya Kannan(CU, '22) managed to do it while serving as CU's studentbody president and while being an activist for several different causes at CU and abroad. Her efforts earned her...
Parker White, Honors Graduate
By Andrew Nonnemacher and Andy BakerWhen Parker White (CU, ’22) transferred to CU in 2020, he had been avoiding math classes for years. He hated math, but to major in Political Science at CU, he could not avoid “PSCI 2075: Quantitative Research Methods,” the required introductory statistics class. A...
Faculty Accomplishments
Jennifer Fitzgerald: Best Book Award
By Andrew Nonnemacher and Andy BakerCU Political Science Professor Jennifer Fitzgerald was the 2018 recipient of the Best Book on European Politics and Societies, an award granted by a section of the American Political Science Association. Her pathbreaking book,Closeto Home: Local Ties and Voting...
Alexandra Siegel: Sports Can Reduce Prejudice
By Andrew Nonnemacher and Andy BakerMany political scientists go their entire careers without publishing once in theAmerican Political Science Review. The APSRis the discipline's most prestigious and selective journal, publishing fewer than 5% of the papers that scholars submit to it. But CU Polit...