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M>99;޽{ʕ(մ1',<0޽-[ ,MtzDBATTdٴ99-ʘKqqѾ}L-,ܿ_8'!!!ZfEu8rE#CCuؼxLT2 `Db0 a`0 FOi `0= `Db0 a`0 FOi `0= `Db0 H-IENDB`S AA@A@  Effective Date for Name:Prefix:Suffix:@Name must be entered EXACTLY as printed on Social Security Card.Gender:Date of Birth: Last Name: First Name:Middle Name/Initial:%Highest Education Level: (select one)Navigation: (1) Workforce Administration> Personal Information> Search for Matching Person (2) Workforce Administration> Personal Information> Add a Person (3) Workforce Adminisration> Personal Information> Modify a Person  V*Copy of DD214 to be sent to the campus HR office if veteran status is being selected.%Social Security Number (National ID):Contact InformationCountry: Address 1: Address 2:City:State: Postal Code:<Professional Resources. Quality Service. Educated Decisions.h MAILING ADDRESS (Checks, pay advices and W-2 forms will be mailed to this address.)%Telephone Numbers:HomeCampus 1 (for directory)Additional PhoneAdditional Phone Type=Ethnic Group Definitions (Source: Dept. of Equal Opportunity) vAfrican American: Black, not of Hispanic origin. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Caucasian: White, not of Hispanic origin. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East. Hispanic/Latino: A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. #Ethnic Group: (Selection Required) Contact Information (cont'd)(Field)Other: Master of: Doctor of : Associate of: Bachelor of:Certificate of:CaptainColonel CommanderDr.Ensign Honorable LieutenantMajorMissMr.Mrs.Ms. ProfessorSergeantSFCSKCTHOME ADDRESS (Permanent or Foreign Address for Non-Resident International Employees) Staff SergB.A.B.S.C.N.M.C.P.N.P.C.R.N.A.D.D.S.D.O.D.S.D.V.M.Doctor of Public AffairsED.D.EMTPEsq.FNPIIIIIIVJr.L.P.N.M.A.M.B.M.B.B.S.M.D.M.L.S.M.S.M.S.N.O.D.P.D.PACPh.D.Phar.Psy.D.R.D.R.N.R.P.T.R.Ph.RDHRNCSRNMSSCDSr.Lt.Col. Serg. Maj. Mst. Serg. Master Chf.Doctor of Med. DentistryVeteran Definition - (source: U.S. Department of Labor, Veterans' Employment and Training. www.dol.gov/vets) Vietnam Era Veteran: (1) Served in the military, ground, naval or air service of the U.S. on active duty for a period of time more than 180 days, and was discharged or released therefrom with other than a dishonorable discharge, if any part of such activity duty occurred: i) in the Republic of Vietnam between 2/28/61 and 5/7/75; or ii) between 8/5/64 and 5/7/75 in all other cases; or (2) was discharged or released from active duty for a service connected disability if any part of such active duty was performed: i) in the Republic of Vietnam between 2/28/61 and 5/7/75; or ii) between 8/5/64 and 5/7/75 in all other cases.m American Indian/Alaskan Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North, Central, and South America, and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia and the Indian Subcontinent. This area includes, for example, China, India, Japan, Korea, Cambodia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam and the Phillippine Islands.  Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.) Date:Employee ID (if applicable):7Organizational Relationships (use in Add a Person only)'Click Here for HRMS Step-by-Step GuidesBiographical Details Campus (for directory)Additional E-Mail Additional E-Mail Type:'Personal Information Worksheet - Page 2E-Mail Addresses:Birth Location:Birth Country: Birth State: As of (date):Marital Status: Alternate ID:RegionalMMilitary Status: (Voluntary Disclosure -- choose "Not Indicated" if unknown*)Dept Information/Verifications Language:Background checks?Ignore "Date Entitled to Medicare" and Citizenship proof fields Campus Box"(Home Department Name - autofills)Home Dept. Nbr.:5Effective date -- accept default or change as needed:/Chose Not to Disclose: Use when entering ethnicity data for an employee who chooses not to disclose ethnicity information. Ethnicity data is used by the University for numerous reporting requirements and it is requested you complete this information as accurately as possible when entering a new hire. LPersonal Information Worksheet (Hire/Update) -- Add a Person/Modify a Person{For Non-Resident International Employees, mailing address MUST be a local street address (not P.O. Box or foreign address).History Effective Date: 4Employment Eligibility Proof section for HR use onlyWCheck boxes in right column for all that apply. Use left column to mark primary group.EGrayed-out fields indicate optional information, not required by HRMS14 Serg. Maj Sr AirmanC.P.MD.P.TM.S.P.T.M.S.R.D.Master of Business AdminMaster of Fine ArtsVL.C.S.W.This form is designed to assist departments with HRMS data entry. The form may be completed online before printing. This form should NOT be sent to ES.u2Compatibility Report for Personal-Data 12.1.14.xlsRun on 12/1/2014 11:20The following features in this workbook are not supported by earlier versions of Excel. These features may be lost or degraded when opening this workbook in an earlier version of Excel or if you save this workbook in an earlier file format.Minor loss of fidelity# of occurrencesVersionSome cells or styles in this workbook contain formatting that is not supported by the selected file format. These formats will be converted to the closest format available. 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