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BES: Reducing Transportation Emissions: From Passenger cars to heavy trucks

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Reducing Transportation Emissions: From Passenger Cars to Heavy Trucks

Stephanie Weber

February 16, 2023

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

SEEC Building N224

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The transportation sector is the largest contributor to US greenhouse gas emissions, and policymakers have developed a variety of tools and technologies to reduce these emissions. This talk examines the environmental and economic consequences of vehicle electrification as well as fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty trucks. Using a range of methods, I consider how carbon pricing policy can interact in surprising ways with electric vehicle adoption. I also document patterns in observed electric vehicle purchases and what these results suggest about how tastes for electric vehicles may change going forward. Finally, I consider fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty trucks and estimate whether truck buyers undervalue future fuel savings and the implications of this undervaluation for the societal costs and benefits of the policy.


Stephanie is a postdoc at the Yale School of the Environment, where she completed her PhD in environmental economics in 2021. She has a BS in Earth Systems from Stanford, and before graduate school, she worked at an electricity trading firm.