Catalog & Curriculum Integration

Please see the information below related to process changes and known issues associated with the catalog's new integration with our curriculum inventory management system (CIM).ÌýWe'll continue to add and update content as issues are discovered and resolved.

Editing Curriculum Information in CIM

All curriculum-related contentÌýmust be edited through the CIM system. To revise your curriculum content, follow the step-by-step instructions below for your preferred navigation method.

  1. Navigate to your program's catalog page on the development site.
    • ​Method A:
      1. ​Follow the link to your approval queue from your review request email.
      2. If prompted, log in using your IdentiKey username and password.
      3. Select the program you want to edit.
      4. Scroll down to the preview window, then click on thatÌýprogram in the preview page's lefthand navigation.
      5. The program's catalog page will open in a new tab.
    • Method B:
      1. Go to .
      2. If prompted, log in using your IdentiKey username and password.
      3. Search for your program or navigate to it using the main menu.
  2. ​Use the page editor to access CIM.
    1. On your program page, click the "Edit Page" tab in the upper left corner to open the editing toolbar.
    2. Click the "Requirements" tab.ÌýMost or all of the content will be shaded gray, which indicates that the content is being pulled inÌýfrom CIM.
    3. In the upper right corner of the gray content, click "Edit Program Requirements."
  3. Edit the program.
    1. On the "Program Management" page, your program should already be selected. Scroll down to confirm that the correct program's information is displayed in the preview panel.
    2. Click the green "Edit Program" button at the top of the preview panel.
    3. In the pop-up window, select "Catalog" as the change type and complete all required (outlined in red) and applicable fields.

Note: Ensure that "Catalog" is selected in the "Change Type" drop-down menu. Using this change type locks most of theÌýform's fields (i.e., only the fields that are integrated with the catalog will be editable) and replaces the standard CIM approval workflow for that program to match the catalog page's workflow.

  • Save often. This form does time out, so click "Save Draft" (bottom of form) at least once per hour to avoid losing your work.
  • HelpÌýicons: Hover over or click on the icons for additional information about theÌýform field.
  • Anticipated effective catalog year:ÌýThis menu lists available terms only.
  • Plan(s) of study: This section will appear verbatim in the CU Boulder catalog. For style and formatting guidance, see the curriculum & catalog style guide.
  • Program learning outcomes:ÌýClick the green plus symbol ("Click to add a new row") to add a new learning outcome to the table.
  1. When you're done editing, click the appropriate button to cancel, save or submit the form.
    • Cancel (red button): Discard your changes and return to the previous window.
    • Save Draft (white button): Save your changes as a draft so you can return to the form at a later time. This does not submit your proposed changes for review. You can save the form without completing all the required fields.​
    • Submit for Approval (green button): Submit your changes for review and approval.
To revise additional programs, return to course inventory management. To log out, close your browser window.
  1. Navigate to the program management site.
    1. Follow this link to the .
    2. If prompted, log in using your IdentiKey username and password.
  2. Find the program.
    1. On the program managementÌýpage, enter your program's field of studyÌýsurrounded by asterisksÌý(e.g., *history*, *journalism*, *electrical engineering*)Ìýand click "Search."
    2. All programs for that field of study will appear in the search results.ÌýClick on the program you wish to revise.
    3. Below the search results, a preview panel will appear with details for the selected program.
  3. Edit the program.
    1. Click the green "Edit Program" button at the top of the preview panel.
    2. In the pop-up window, select "Catalog" as the change type and complete all required (outlined in red) and applicable fields.
  • Save often. This form does time out, so click "Save Draft" (bottom of form) at least once per hour to avoid losing your work.
  • HelpÌýicons: Hover over or click on the icons for additional information about theÌýform field.
  • Change type: Ensure "Catalog" is selected in this drop-down menu. WithÌýthis change type, most of the form's fields will be locked to edits (i.e., only the form fields that are integrated with the catalog will be editable) and the approval workflow after you submit your changes will change to match the catalog workflow for that program.
  • Anticipated effective catalog year:ÌýThis menu lists available terms only.
  • Plan(s) of study: This section will appear verbatim in the CU Boulder catalog. For style and formatting guidance, see the curriculum & catalog style guide.
  • Program learning outcomes:ÌýClick the green plus symbol ("Click to add a new row") to add a new learning outcome to the table.
  1. When you're done editing, click the appropriate button to cancel, save or submit the form.
    • Cancel (red button): Discard your changes and return to the previous window.
    • Save Draft (white button): Save your changes as a draft so you can return to the form at a later time. This does not submit your proposed changes for review. You can save the form without completing all the required fields.​
    • Submit for Approval (green button): Submit your changes for review and approval.
To revise additional programs, return to course inventory management. To log out, close your browser window.

Managing Catalog & Curriculum Workflows

Choosing "Catalog" as your change type when making program edits in CIM will lock revisions for any information that isn't displayed in the catalog, and will replace the standard CIM workflow with the corresponding catalog page's workflow.

This means that when you submit a curriculum edit through CIM, that CIM revision will appear as a page in your reviewer queue along withÌýthe corresponding catalog page.

To tell the pages apart in your approval queue:

ÌýÌýThe program page'sÌýURL always startsÌýwith "/programadmin".

ÌýÌýTheÌýcatalog page'sÌýURL starts withÌýcatalog navigation (e.g., "/undergraduate/colleges-schools").

We recommend approving the CIM program and catalog pages at the same time so the next person in the workflow can review them together.

Outdated Curriculum Information DisplaysÌýin Approval Queue (Design Limitation)

At this time, only fully approved program information will display in the gray-shaded integration boxes when viewed through your reviewer queue. These boxes do display a label that indicates when the content it's displaying was last updated.

If aÌýprogram revision has since been submitted and is still making its way through the CIM workflow, that content will not display in the gray-shaded integration boxes. However, you can still viewÌýthe submitted revisions either in the catalog or through CIM by following theÌýstep-by-step instructions below.

  1. In your , select the catalog page to review.
  2. At the top of the preview window below, click the blue "Edit" button to open the editing toolbar.
  3. In the editing toolbar, click the pencil icon that corresponds to the tab you want to review (e.g., "Requirements," "Plan(s) of Study").
  4. In the pop-up window, any changes submitted through CIM that are still in the workflow will display. Please note that there will be no red and greed editing markup; the content will display as if it's been approved.
  1. Follow this link to theÌý.
  2. If prompted, log in using your IdentiKey username and password.
  3. On the program managementÌýpage, enter your program's field of studyÌýsurrounded by asterisksÌý(e.g., *history*, *journalism*, *electrical engineering*)Ìýand click "Search."
  4. All programs for that field of study will appear in the search results.ÌýClick on the program you wish to review.
  5. Below the search results, a preview panel will appear with details for the selected program. Any submitted changes will appear using red and green editing markup.

Frequently Asked Questions

Both the catalog and our curriculum inventory management system (CIM) are part of the CourseLeaf catalog managment software package. Because they're sister systems, they communicate with each other through data integrations.

You can think of the catalog kind of like your Google News feed: It displays content fromÌýdifferent sites in a single location for a more comprehensive user experience.

Faculty information is hosted in theÌýcatalog database, which is only accessible to the catalog team. Submit any changesÌýto that team for implementation.

As of June 2021, information specific to a program's curriculum is now hosted in our curriculum inventory management system (CIM). To edit this content, follow the "Editing Curriculum Information in CIM" instructions above.

Once you open the editing toolbar on a catalog page, whether through (select your role from the drop-down menu) or , you'll typically see some kind of visual indication when content isn't directly editable.

This will be indicated by gray shading and/or a labelÌýstatingÌý"Approved Program Requirements" or "Approved Shared Content."

In addition to the flagged content, you're also unable to directly edit faculty information and course titles or descriptions.