Art meets science
The finished mural, which is loosely based on JILA Fellow Cindy Regals work. Photo and art: Amanda Phingboddhipakkiya.
Fellow and Associate Professor of Physics Cindy Regal helped consult on a mural placed in Washington Park in Denver. The mural, titled Leading Light, loosely alludes to atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics, which Regal studies by using laser beams.
With bright yellows and vivid pinks, the mural depicts four women interacting with different blue spheres, representing electrons. One woman wears sunglasses, modeled on the goggles used for lab safety when working with lasers.
The artist, Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya, found Regals work captivating. We share a vision to not only uplift women in STEM and to bring science and our society closer together, but also to foster dynamic and organic relationships with science in everyone, whether or not they choose to become scientists, the artist said.

Creating the Leading Light mural. Photo by Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya.
Cindy Regal; Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya
Heising-Simons Foundation
JILA; Department of Physics; Findings Project
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