Production and Reception: The Bonds of Interpretive Communities

Friday April 10, 2015 - Opening

3:00-4:30Registration and ReceptionMKNA 103
4:30-5:00Opening Remarks MKNA 103
5:00Informal Happy HourSecret Bar

Saturday April 11, 2015 - Conference

9:00-9:30Coffee and Registration

Panel 1Visual Communities and Strategies

Chair: Ernesto Acevedo-Muñoz – University of Colorado at Boulder

Evolución de la revistaGreciaa través de su portada

Alejandro Méndez Betancor – University of Colorado at Boulder

Atravesando la crisis: El realismo experimental enLa soledadde Jaime Rosales

Iñaki Gonzalo – University of Oregon

La palestera como escena: una propuesta de análisis teatral para los cuentos deAndrés Neuman

María Fernanda Iwasaki – University of Colorado at Boulder

La toma panorámica en el cine de Carlos Reygadas

Dustin Dill – University of Colorado at Boulder

HLMS 181

Panel 2Linguistics I

Chair: Javier Rivas – University of Colorado at Boulder

La producción del OD en el español oral: un estudio basado en el uso

Desirée Ramírez – University of Colorado at Boulder

La transitividad en el español: Un estudio basado en el discurso

Jessika Muñoz – University of Colorado at Boulder

El dequeísmo en Español: Un análisis sociolingüístico basado en el uso

Jeremy Rud – University of Colorado at Boulder

HLMS 191

10:45-11:00 Break


Panel 3Production and the Performance of Spirituality

Chair: Núria Silleras-Fernandez – University of Colorado at Boulder

Theindio ladinoas a representative of an Andean Catholicism in Juan PérezBocanegra and Guman Poma

Alexander M. Cárdenas – University of Colorado at Boulder

Pious Hierarchy and the Circulation of Emotions in Ricardo León’sEl amorde los amores

Gillian Cleary – University of Colorado at Boulder

The Vibrant Life of a Tomb: The Material Self-Fashioning of Isabel of Aragon

Taiko Maria Haessler – University of Colorado at Boulder

HLMS 181

Panel 4Linguistics II

Chair: Lucinda Soltero-González – University of Colorado at Boulder

Effects of Japanese Moraic Patterns of Syllable Duration on L2 French

Bridget McFadden – University of Colorado at Boulder

The effects of Guided Pre-task Planning on L2 Spanish Written Production

Angela Donate – Georgetown University

The L2 acquisition of Spanish information structure: The case of postverbal subjects

Ariel Zach – Georgetown University

HLMS 191

Panel 5Testimony: Self-Conscious Production

Chair: Mary Long – University of Colorado at Boulder

“Do you have the balls to really win this fight or don’t you?”: The MediatedTestimony of Elvia Alvarado

Allison Glover – University of Colorado at Boulder

El viaje como escritura poética enLos detectives salvajes(1998) de Roberto Bolaño

Niki Tito – University of Colorado at Boulder

Ficción y testimonio en dos novelas colombianas de sicarios.El pelaíto que no durónada(1991) ySangre ajena(2000)

Carlos-Germán van der Linde – University of Colorado at Boulder

HLMS 185

12:15-1:30 Lunch, HLMS 201

1:30-3:00Keynote AddressHLMS 201


Panel 6 - The Landscape of Production

Chair: Julio Baena – University of Colorado at Boulder

The Ultimate Other: Negotiating the foreign through representations of women’sbodies in theCancionero de Estúñiga

Hollie Allen – University of Colorado at Boulder

The Disordered Wildman: "Real" versus perceived monsters in Lope de Vega’stheater

Harrison Meadows – University of Colorado at Boulder

The Jungle and the Crisis of Writing inLa vorágineby José Eustasio Rivera

Javier Muñoz – University of Colorado at Boulder

HLMS 181

Panel 7Linguistics III

Chair: Esther Brown – University of Colorado at Boulder

¿Se anda gramaticalizando?: El verboandarcon gerundio comoconstrucción auxiliar

Jesús Villalpando-Quiñónez – University of Colorado at Boulder

Las perífrasisvenir + gerundioen español contemporáneo: un caso de subjetividad

Stefanie Ramos Bierge – University of Colorado at Boulder

Lexical frequency effect on the low nasal vowel /ã/ in Brazilian Portuguese

Luciana Marques – University of Colorado at Boulder

HLMS 191



Panel 8Communities of Revolution and Resistance

Chair: Andrés Prieto – University of Colorado at Boulder

Trip to Ayacucho: Political Violence, Melodrama, and Literary Circulation inAbril Rojoby Santiago Roncagliolo,La Hora Azulby Alonso Cueto, andUn lugar llamado Oreja de Perroby Ivan Thays

José Miguel Herbozo – University of Colorado at Boulder

Entre el cáos y el orden enLa fiesta del Chivo de Mario Vargas Llosa

Ivan Segovia – Sandiego State University

Ángel Guerra: Revolucionario, enamorado y santo

Mariana Segovia – California State University at San Marcos

HLMS 181

Panel 9Places and Stages in Modern Peruvian Poetry

Chair: Peter Elmore – University of Colorado at Boulder

Martín Adán compositor: problematización de los límites de la música y la poesía enTravesía de Extramares

Claudia Becerra – Brown University

Mitos colectivos y relato personal en “Crónica de Lima” de Antonio Cisneros

Miluska Benavides – University of Colorado at Boulder

Modernidad, tecnología y mundo andino enAntipoemasyJunínde EnriqueBustamante y Ballivián

Miguel Rosas Buendía – Brown University

HLMS 191

6:00 Closing RemarksHLMS 201