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Staff Council year-end accomplishments

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Staff Council year-end accomplishments broken out by committee - learn what we have been doing all year!

Committee for Advancing Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging?

  1. ?Improving/Finalizing Mission and Vision Statements
  2. Researching two projects for next year
    1. A Screening of This is Not Who We Are
    2. A Free Little Library for Campus
  3. Voting on new acronyms/branding of committee for next year
    1. BEAM Committee (Belonging, Equity, Accessibility, Mattering)?
    2. EMBRACE Committee (Equity, Mattering, Belonging, Representation, Accessibility, Community, Empowerment)?

Awards and Staff Recognition Committee

  1. Honored a total of 789 CU Boulder staff members for their years of service: 366 for five years; 185 for ten years; 85 for fifteen years who received a $25.00 gift card; 51 for twenty years who received a $50.00 gift card; 54 for twenty-five years who received a $75.00 gift card; 28 for thirty years who received a $100.00 gift card; and 7 for thirty-five years who received a $150.00 gift card.
  2. Will host the end-of-the-year recognition ceremony for current Staff Council representatives and welcome new members at the Boulderado in June. Current representatives will receive a can glass and a lighted message board for their desks The Staff Council Tri-Chairs will receive a well-deserved plaque.?
  3. Honored two of the four Chancellor¡¯s Employees of the Year at the women¡¯s basketball game on February 29th. All four honorees received a gift bag with Staff Council and Athletics swag plus a throw purchased from the CU Bookstore.
  4. Displayed a powerpoint of staff members receiving a Years of Service award at the Staff Council Staff Appreciation Breakfast on December 14th.?
  5. Shared the Years of Service recipients and Chancellor's Employee of the Year winners on the ASR website for further recognition.

Blood Drive & Community Service Committee

  1. Hosted 4 blood drives on campus (September, November, February, April)?.
    1. Collected 1,719 donations in 2023, the largest amount out of all Vitalant Blood Drives.
    2. Partnered with Athletics for donor giveaways, including tickets to football, basketball, and lacrosse games, and Coach PRIME sweatshirts.
    3. Partnered with Meals on Wheels Boulder to create Valentine¡¯s Day Cards?.
  2. Working on proposal to host a 5K on campus.?

Communications Committee

  1. Partnered with 20+ campus organizations to send out three newsletters during the academic year to over 6,000 Staff & Research faculty. ?
    1. Translated at least four articles every newsletter to Spanish, Chinese, Nepali, and Hindi?.
    2. Introduced new ¡°Buff on a Budget¡± section to help highlight different perks?.
    3. Received 613 individual responses from four newsletter surveys relating to Wellness Barriers, Why Stay/What to Change at CU, Prescription Challenges, and Staff Council Priorities/Future Goals?.

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  1. Managed Website Migration project as Web Express moving to a new platform this fall.?

Elections Committee

  1. Partnered with Parliamentarian to successfully add Research Associates and Professional Research Assistants to Staff Council (previously did not have representation under Shared Governance on Campus ¨C 2,500 people). ?
  2. Successfully held elections for the 2024 - 2025 Council. A total of 925 staff members participated in the elections?¨Cresults listed in above article.?
    1. Prepared information sessions on Staff Council. Hosted one in-person session and one virtual session. ?
    2. Created one elected Professional Research Assistant position and one elected Research Associate Representative position to join Staff Council. ?
    3. Officially have one of our five Front Line Staff appointed representatives filled!?
    4. Translated ballot into four languages: Spanish, Chinese, Nepali, and Hindi?.
  3. Partnered with Front Line Staff Committee to have in-person election polling stations at their round table discussion in March. ?

Front Line Staff Special Committee

  1. Successfully hosted three Front Line Staff roundtable discussions across campus with more than 200 employees in attendance. Four employees interpreted the discussion in Spanish, Chinese, Thai, and Nepali and were paid for their interpretation work.?
  2. Provided a space where Front Line Staff members were welcomed and encouraged to share any praises or concerns they have and gathered important information about how Staff Council can best support them. The committee is currently working to synthesize the feedback and hope to bring it to campus leadership.
  3. Started discussions to become a permanent committee.?
  4. Worked directly with Front Line Staff members to utilize their skills for interpretation needs and provided more platforms for staff to communicate in ways that overcome language barriers.

Outreach & Events Committee

  1. Partnered with Volunteer Resource Center to coordinate water for their summer Mobile Food Pantries.?
  2. Hosted Ice Cream Social with ten departments and ?from campus. ?
    1. Donated extra ice cream to Buff Pantry. ?
  3. Hosted annual Staff Appreciation Breakfast on December 14, 2023, and served over 1,000 CU employees.?
    1. Partnered with Awards, Service and Recognition (ASR) Committee to recognize years of service for employees at breakfast.?
    2. Collected food and coat donations for local charities?.
  4. Planned year-end movie night with an inflatable screen for staff and their families.?
    1. May 22nd @ 7 - 10 pm.

Payroll, Benefits, Retirement and Legislative Committee

  1. Raised awareness with HR about issues related to the uneven process for performance management across campus, highlighted the inequities that arise when performance ratings are connected to pay raises when the system is not standardized. HR shared concerns and committed to continuing to work on improvements to this process for staff. ?
  2. Continued research on staff sabbaticals as a retention tool for staff who have been in their role for 7 years. ?
  3. Continued discussions regarding a four day work week, progress being made towards this model at other universities, and feasibility for CU Boulder?.
  4. Partnered with CU Boulder MyLeave Replacement Initiative to discuss payroll in arrears as they moved into Phase II, business decisions, of this initiative. ?
  5. Discussed affordable housing regarding recent land purchases by Regents.?
  6. Began preliminary work on a proposal to support remote work for staff who can work in that modality during fall and spring breaks?