Published: March 15, 2006

The Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado at Boulder has been named one of 10 "Hot Spots" for entrepreneurial education by Fortune Small Business magazine in its March issue.

The magazine recognized the Leeds School as a "leader in 'green' entrepreneurship" and noted that its entrepreneurship program "specializes in helping students create companies that are eco-friendly and socially progressive." Fortune Small Business also said that "leaders of Boulder's organic and natural-products industry offer support."

"This is tremendous recognition of our commitment to socially responsible business practices and the outstanding work of the Robert H. and Beverly A. Deming Center for Entrepreneurship," said Dennis A. Ahlburg, dean of the Leeds School. "The Deming Center's leadership in entrepreneurship education, research and outreach make it a model program."

Paul Jerde, executive director of the Deming Center, said Fortune Small Business highlighted one of the major areas of emphasis for the Deming Center.

"After hosting Sustainable Opportunities Week events last month, receiving this recognition confirms the value of our efforts," Jerde said. "Our work in sustainability and international and cross-discipline entrepreneurship will continue to keep us at the forefront of entrepreneurship education."

Sustainable Opportunities Week events brought together students, faculty, staff and the business community from local, national and international entities to examine clean technology, renewable energy and other issues in sustainability at a variety of events Feb. 21-25.

Other universities cited by Fortune Small Business included DePaul University, Florida International University, Harvard University, Howard University, Simmons College in Boston, Sitting Bull College in Fort Yates, N.D., University of Arizona, University of Texas at Austin and the University of Rochester. An online summary is available at

For more information on the Leeds School of Business visit