Published: April 9, 2006

Fifteen outstanding members of the University of Colorado at Boulder community will be honored May 10 during the CU-Boulder Alumni Association's 76th Annual Alumni Awards Ceremony.

The award recipients will be recognized at 7 p.m. in the Old Main Chapel on the Boulder campus. The public is welcome to attend the free event.

The George Norlin Award honors outstanding alumni for their careers and service to society. Recipients of the 2006 Norlin Award are Richard Burridge Sr., a highly respected Chicago investment banker and philanthropist; Donald Grusin of Los Angeles, a Grammy Award-winning musician, composer, arranger and producer; and William Ritter Jr., a Denver attorney, volunteer and gubernatorial candidate.

Four CU-Boulder faculty and staff members will receive the Robert Stearns Award in recognition of their extraordinary contributions to the university: Michael Breed, an award-winning biology professor who has chaired three departments on campus; Jeffrey Lipton, who has directed CU-Boulder's Facilities Management department and real estate services and who helped develop the Research Park; David Norris, professor of integrative physiology, who has been at CU since 1966 and pursues vital research on pollutants and the endocrine system; and Richard Wobbekind, one of Colorado's premier economic forecasters who has been studying and teaching at CU-Boulder since 1976.

The Alumni Recognition Award will be presented to Boulderite Marty Coffin Evans for, among her many contributions to the university, serving as a productive and enthusiastic volunteer for the Alumni Association and the College of Music.

The 2006 Kalpana Chawla Outstanding Recent Graduate Awards will go to vaccine researcher and developer Stephen Cape of Boulder and genetic researcher Josh Stuart of Santa Cruz, Calif.

Alumni Monica and Peter Irvine of Washington, D.C., will be presented the Leanne Skupa-Lee Award as the top student recruiters for the National Alumni Admissions Assistance Program.

In honor of their support of higher education state Reps. Bernie Buescher and Jack Pommer will receive the CU Legislative Recognition Award, and U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar will receive the CU Congressional Recognition Award.

A reception with dessert will follow the awards ceremony in the CU Heritage Center on the third floor of Old Main.

To attend the May 10 event, please make reservations by calling (303) 735-2893 or e-mailing