Published: Jan. 10, 2007


A news briefing to announce a major milestone in the number of University of Colorado at Boulder alumni who have served as Peace Corps volunteers will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 16, in the University Memorial Center's north dining room.

The briefing will be from 11:30 a.m. to about 11:50 a.m. and will feature:

o Charles "Chuck" Brooks, the Peace Corps' associate director of volunteer recruitment and selection in Washington, D.C.

o CU-Boulder Chancellor G.P. "Bud" Peterson

o Tim Seastedt, CU-Boulder professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and fellow of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research who served as a Peace Corps volunteer in the southwest Pacific Kingdom of Tonga from 1972 to 1974

A CU-Boulder alumna who is currently serving in the Peace Corps will be present for interviews, as well as a CU-Boulder graduate who will leave for Peace Corps service in El Salvador in February. A number of returned Peace Corps volunteers also will be present.

B-roll and DVDs of Peace Corps volunteers will be available at the briefing.

CU-Boulder's annual national ranking for the number of alumni serving as volunteers among all U.S. colleges and universities also will be announced at the briefing.

For information or directions to the UMC contact Peter Caughey in the CU-Boulder Office of News Services at (303) 492-4007.