Published: April 18, 2007

This week, our nation, our campus and campuses across the world are mourning the loss of students and faculty at Virginia Tech University. Yesterday, our community hosted a vigil in remembrance of those taken from us in one of the worst public acts of violence in our nation's history. Our entire country, and all of American higher education, has been hit hard by this senseless act, and campus communities everywhere are desperately trying to make sense of what has happened.

Given this state of grieving and deep reflection, we are asking that on Friday, April 20, the CU-Boulder campus community wear orange and/or maroon in honor of the fallen at Virginia Tech, and as a statement of solidarity with the survivors of the terrible tragedy in Blacksburg. This is a time for quiet contemplation and for serious conversation regarding this tragedy, as well as other violent tragedies such as the Columbine shootings, which occurred eight years ago, and the Oklahoma City bombing 12 years ago today.

We also ask that on Friday, the campus truly be what it is symbolically all the time: filled with fellowship. With these values, we hopefully can emerge as more united, dedicated people in the cause of promoting peace and ending violence around the world.


Andrew Aitchison, Ashley Nakagawa, Charles Johnson, University of Colorado Student Union tri-executives

G.P. "Bud" Peterson, CU-Boulder chancellor

Ron Stump, CU-Boulder vice chancellor for student affairs