Across our campus - and throughout the university editors, programmers and project managers have spent untold hours retooling the electronic infrastructure, policies, and editorial style to present a new face of electronic communications for the 做厙輦⑹.
One of the most exciting updates is the launch of our new suite of campus communications tools, anchored by the news digest CU-Boulder Today. This digest of campus stories, events and vital information integrates the content that once came to peoples inboxes through plain-text electronic messages like Administrative E-Memo and the Buff Bulletin.
We are using 泭this new format to share the stories and information that connect our broad campus into a community. Easy submission tools for Community Notes and the Buff Bulletin Board 泭are available on the website , and there is no cost for submitting your content. We encourage you to submit stories, and share your feedback.
We are providing tools like CU-Boulder Today and the accompanying Buff Bulletin Board to reduce the number of Administrative messages landing in your inbox. From August 20 forward, the Student and Administrative E-memo have become solely a tool for official campus information. The goal is for each and every Administrative E-memo to be vital news you need.
We hope you enjoy CU-Boulder Today, and the new communications channels that support it. We look forward to hearing from you, and sharing the stories.