Published: April 3, 2015

By the University of Colorado Student Government

Attention students: The spring 2015 University of Colorado Student Government elections will take place next week, April 6-9.Log on toto cast your votes for CUSG Tri-Execuives, Representatives-at-Large, ASSG Co-Senators, ASSG Representatives and UCEC candidates.

This spring, UNITE will be the only formal ticket running against independent candidates. Voting is still extremely important, however, because there is a referenda question that will redefine “students” in the constitution to include students who are studying abroad. We have more than 900 students who study abroad each year, so this would be a big step forward for our Student Government.

Remember that the people you elect to CUSG are responsible for over $32 million each year. They run the Rec Center, UMC and the Environmental Center. They are student’s number one advocate, and the most direct way to make change on campus and at the state level. They are bringing the Dalai Lama to CU-Boulder in the fall and they continue to represent students with our Regents. Voting only takes a couple of minutes and it is one of the best ways to make sure your voice is heard on campus!