With more than 2,500 courses taught by industry experts, lynda.com is designed for all levels of learners and new courses are added weekly. Access the lynda.com library 24/7—even from your iPhone, iPad, Android device, or mobile phone. Exercise files let you follow along with the instruction as you learn, and bookmarks help keep track of what you’d like to watch.
Provost Russ Moore and Senior Vice Chancellor and CFO Kelly Fox worked to find funding for a three year contract with Lynda.com. The service has a variety of plan options but for a typical user the cost can be approximately $300 per year. CU-Boulder has set a target adoption rate of 10 percent after the initial implementation curve. The current adoption numbers already shows 3,249 users, equating to 7.6 percent of the 43,000 current staff, students and faculty who can use the service. Such a high percentage in the first few months of availability is great news for the program as CU-Boulder will need to show strong adoption numbers to ask for additional funding after the three year trial has expired.
CU- Boulder’s Staff Council has heard from our constituent body that professional development is key in making this university a great place to work. Lynda.com offers extensive professional development opportunities and the service can be used outside of work hours allowing for employees to pursue learning when it best suits their individual schedule. It’s also a great tool for staff to use when creating goals during the performance planning process to identify areas of growth and development.
For additional information on lynda.com at CU-Boulder, including recommended courses for faculty, staff and students, visit .
To access Lynda.com go to: Lynda.colorado.edu OR go to My CU Info and click on Lynda.com under ‘Training.’