Published: Sept. 8, 2016

The board heard an initial report on the preliminary enrollment estimates for this semester. Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Todd Saliman reported that enrollment is up on all four campuses, including an estimated 2.9 percent increase overall at CU Boulder. In addition, CU Boulder’s 2016 freshman cohort is more diverse and academically prepared than any prior entering class. Final numbers will be released next week once a census is conducted.

The four chancellors reported to the board on the cost and value of research for each campus. In his remarks, Chancellor DiStefano asserted that research is a critical part of CU Boulder’s mission, with research awards totaling $437 million in fiscal year 2016. DiStefano said research is funded by various federal agencies including NASA, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Defence and others. There are more than 2,000 undergraduates involved in research on the Boulder campus, and CU Boulder researchers have submitted more than 548 inventions to the Technology Transfer Office in the previous five years.

The board also reviewed the campus support of research. At the Boulder campus, $93 million was spent in 2015 to support research, of which $84 million was funded through indirect cost recovery from the granting agencies. The other $9 million was covered by the campus endowment and unrestricted net assets.

The board also approved the following items on the consent agenda:

  • A proposal to change the name of the BA in Women's Studies to “Women and Gender Studies.” The new name is better aligned with the curriculum and culture of the Department of Women and Gender Studies. No changes to the degree requirements or department organization will be made as a result of this name change.

  • A proposal to split the MS in Applied Mathematics degree into two degrees: a traditional degree and a professional degree. The College of Arts & Sciences believes that splitting the master’s degree will address the emerging needs of students and potential employers for a professional degree while also maintaining the research-focused master’s degree. The change will require no additional course development time, will incur no costs, and will not require additional faculty or staff. It will serve current students and future students who are interested in pursuing a professional degree to enhance their careers without necessarily continuing to a PhD.

In other board news:

  • Ravinder Singh, associate professor in CU Boulder’s Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, was introduced as the new Faculty Council Chair.

  • The board welcomed new Intercampus Student Forum Chair, Marcus Fotenos, CU Boulder Student Government tri executive and president of external affairs. In his report to the board, Fotenos shared that CU Student Government recently hosted a Pac-12 student leader summit, at which student leaders from across the Pac-12 launched a conference-wide initiative to address sexual misconduct. Fotenos shared that CU Student Government has also written legislation to make sure that student government addresses the problem of sexual misconduct, as well as a strategic plan to address sexual misconduct, which they are implementing with assistance from the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance.

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CU Board of Regents

The University of Colorado Board of Regents

back row: Glen Gallegos, Steve Bosley, Stephen Ludwig, Michael Carrigan, John Carson

front row: Linda Shoemaker, Kyle Hybl, Irene Griego, Sue Sharkey