Published: Feb. 3, 2017

If you go
What: "Writing Affect – Composing Precarity"
When: Thursday, Feb. 9, 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Where: Norlin Library, fifth floor, Center for British and Irish Studies room

We live in a world of moving things—our bodies, nature, cities. And sometimesour thoughts, our maps, our schemes slide over the top. The more the movement can be sensed and charted, the more that uncertainty in perilous times can be reconsidered.

If affectis simply the capacity to be moved, finding those points of connection, when those connections matter, might inform how we think, writeand gesture, as well asour schemes for preservation and justice.

On Thursday, Feb. 9, Kathleen Stewart, chair and professor at University of Texas atAustin,will speak onaffect: the ordinary, the senses, and modes of ethnographic engagement based on curiosity and attachment.

Stewart's first bookA Space on the Side of the Road: Cultural Poetics in an "Other" America (Princeton University Press, 1996) portrays a dense and textured layering of sense and form laid down in social use. In the composition and suffering of present moments lived as immanent events, her bookOrdinary Affects (Duke University Press, 2007) maps the force of encounters, desires, bodily states, dream worldsand modes of attention and distraction. Stewart's current projectWorldingtries to approach ways of collective living through an attunement.

Please contact the Program for Writing and Rhetoric at pwr@colorado.eduor303-492-8188 with any questions about the event.