Published: Feb. 9, 2017

Valentine's Day on a budgetLooking for some budget-friendly advice for celebrating Valentine's Day? CU Money Sense has some suggestions.

Cook dinner in. A romantic dinner at a nice restaurant could run you well over $100. Planning and preparing a romantic dinner at your house or apartmentcan be done for $20 or less. How about angel hair pasta with a fancy Bolognese sauce, garlic breadand a fresh salad. Delicious, easy, impressiveand affordable!

Channel your inner Rumi. Make a homemade card or, better yet, write your own love note. There’s nothing better than a heartfelt poem/prose letting your special someone know just how special they are. Better yet, it’s free and it helps hone your creative writing skills.

Open communication. If you are broke or an a budget this V Day, let your date know your situation. He or shewill appreciate you even more for being open and honest. The sooner you can start having challenging talks about money and finances, the better your fiscal picture will look as you grow and mature financially.

Embrace being single. If you happen to be single, congratulations!This Valentine’s Day will not cost you anything. Instead, read up on saving, budgetingand investing.

Play games. There arelots of games out there specifically designed to get to know someone better. A quick internet search will give you lots of get-to-know you games and questions. Your date, whether it’s a first or 50th, will appreciate the thoughtfulness.

Put in some work. Offer to wash your sweetheart’s car (or bike), run an errand, hang a picture, give a massage, wash the dishes, do laundryor anything elseyou can imagine. Lessening someone else’s burden shows you care, can consider someone else’s needs and, best of all, does not cost you any cash.

Finances are an important piece in relationships. Take some timethis Valentine’s day to reflect about your financial habits. Are you a spender or a saver? What are things that are important to you financially in a relationship? Do you live for the moment or plan for the future? Two people with different financial habits often face trouble in relationships.Consider making February a time to get a fiscal tune-up. Make a Money Sense appointment and get on top of your finances.

CU Money Sense is your campus resource tohelpwith budgeting, student loans, debt, saving, credit, investingand evenretirement planning.