Published: May 7, 2018

Coming up this week for faculty and staffare opportunities to watch a wearable technology dance performance, attend the Faculty SPACE lunch, get consulting on data and digital scholarship, join a conversation on today's political climate and more.

View the work of artists Yasmin Mazloom, Aaron Treher, Jonathan Welsh and Rachel Wright at the CU Art Museum.

Stop by the Gemmill Engineering, Math & Physics Library to see an exhibit detailing important events in the creation of the modern computer, as well as selections from our collection about the history of the computer, Silicon Valleyand the future of microprocessor design.

Are you a Web Express user for your unit on campus?This session will give you an overview of the various Web Express Bundles. It is an opportunity to try out the bundles before enabling them on your site. You can also check out the Bundles demo in the features section.

Take a break with refreshments and get to know the CU Boulder Police Department. From 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., they'll be at the Buff Plaza by the Gold Biosciences Building.

Help celebrate the final night of MD5's Hacking for Defense course, in which graduate-student teams from engineering and business address real national security issues as defined by Department of Defense and Intelligence Community partners such as the NSA and the U.S. Navy.

The monthly meeting of the Boulder campus Staff Council, which is open to the campus community, will take place at Regent Administrative Center.

Watch out! There’s a new superhero in town! Becky Thompson is an excellent, fun, energetic and engaging teacher.In addition, she is a physicist, cyclist, scholar and head of Educational Outreach for the American Physical Society. Join this entertaining show, free and open to all, including children.

Do you have a family member or friend with memory loss? Bring them to Memory Caféat the CU Museum of Natural History May 13, a welcoming eventwhere people living with memory loss and their care partners can come together for socialization, educationand inspiration.