Financial Futures hits milestones—more than 150 projects approved for implementation
At just over one year since its launch, Financial Futures has reached some noteworthy milestones: more than 225 project owners from over 50 departments and units across campus and the CU system have generated over 500 ideas to align strategic resources to our mission. To date, over 150 projects have been approved for implementation.
The Oct.24 town hall featured projects moving through implementation, newly approved projects and other initiative updates. Here are a few highlights:
- Expanded first-year academic advising:In support ofrecommendations, the campus is implementing a first-year advising model to support student success. Hiring is underway to add additional first-year advisors across all CU Boulder colleges and schools.
- Biological Research Technology Resource Center: This campus-wide facility provides dedicated space and equipment to conduct interdisciplinary biological research.Since its establishment in July, the space has trained and supported users from CU Boulder, in addition to those from other CU campuses, Anschutz and local biotech/industry.
- Adobe Creative Cloud contract renegotiated:To leverage the scale of users and the total cost to the CU Boulder campus, the Office of Information Technology renegotiated its contract with Adobe, resulting in deeply discounted software pricing for faculty, staff and students.
For Mike Viola, IT category manager for the CU system, the Adobe Creative Cloud project is especially exciting. “It’s rare that I get to see the impacts of my role so directly,” says Viola. “The renegotiated contract with Adobe brings the cost of the Creative Cloud suite down to a fraction of the original cost for students, staff and faculty.
“Too often, administrative offices in higher education limit ‘enterprise’ considerations to staff and faculty. This project intentionally put students at the center, and in so doing we were able to create cost savings for CU Boulder and its students,” says Viola.
“The lower cost of Adobe is extremely helpful for me,” says Max Kitay, a CU Boulder student pursuing a bachelor’s of science in technology, arts, and media. “I use Adobe Creative Cloud in classes each semester, and the lower cost allows me to allocate those funds elsewhere in my life.”
“Financial Futures created a collaborative environment that allowed me to work more with people on the campuses. It was fun, and it made me appreciate my role more,” says Viola. He and his CU Boulder project partners are working with faculty and students to spread the word about the new, low-cost licenses. He’s also got his sights set on an even lower cost option in the future.
“Financial Futures shows what can be accomplished when we’re looking at things from an enterprise level. We’re more powerful together,” says Viola.
For Max Kitay, there’s another upside. “It’s nice knowing that CU staff are looking for ways to help students spend less on college. It really shows that the university wants students here and wants them to have the resources to be successful.”
Students can purchase thefrom the CU Book Store for only $65 for the remaining 2019 license year (through June 30, 2019.)