Grad programs earn high marks in 2021 U.S. News and World Report rankings
CU Boulder currently stands among the top 25 nationally for several of its graduate-level programs, according to rankings released Tuesday, March 17, by U.S. News and World Report.
U.S. News does not update its rankings for every program each year. In the publication’s 2021issue, CU Boulder maintains previous rankings (from 2016 to 2020) or has taken new positions in a number of disciplines. Ranking in the top 10 nationally, these include: atomic/molecular/optical physics (2); quantum physics (6);aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering (or Smead Aerospace Engineering Sciences) (9);physical chemistry (10); environmental law (10); and clinical psychology (10).
Additionally, CU Boulder’s graduate offerings in the following U.S. News categories rank in the teens nationally: applied math (14); physics (14); audiology (14); environmental/environmental health engineering (15); chemical engineering (16); education policy (19); secondary teacher education (18); and Earth sciences (19).
“These rankings are a recognition of the high-quality teaching, research and creative works happening across campus,”said Scott Adler, dean of CU Boulder’s Graduate School. "Congratulations to our faculty, graduate students and staff for your contributions in maintaining these outstanding rankings, year after year.”
A handful of other CU Boulder schools, colleges, departments and programs are ranked in the top 25 nationally for graduate-level offerings in the categories of: speech-language pathology (20); curriculum and instruction (21); civil engineering (23); elementary teacher education (22); fine arts program (23); chemistry (24); intellectual property law (25); and biological/agricultural engineering (25).