Published: Jan. 8, 2021

TheCU Boulder Retired Faculty Associationis planning afull slate of events for the spring semester,including adistinguishedfacultyseminarseries,researchawardprogram and adiscussiongroup series.

The first of these programs, the Distinguished Faculty Seminarseries,will featuresome ofCU Boulder’sfinest professors and their extraordinary research and scholarly work. The inaugural lecture held virtually via Zoom onWednesday, Jan.20, at 4p.m., and will featureby Daniel N. Baker, distinguished professor of the Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences anddirector of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics(LASP). to attend and the lecture is free.

Retired faculty and soon-to-be retired faculty are invited to join thenewly-createdCU Boulder Retired Faculty Association, an organization whose aim is to encourage retired faculty members to remain actively involved in academic, educational, scholarly and cultural activities on campus.The association issupported and funded by the Office of the Chancellor, the Office of the Provost, and the Office of Faculty Affairs.The date for a spring business meeting to elect new officers, ratify bylaws and discuss additional programs and eventswill be announced soon.

The CU Boulder Retired Faculty Association will offer opportunities for retired faculty to continue to participate in campus-based academic life and encourage lifelong learning by providing access to campus seminars, classes, performances and exhibits. The association’s close alliance with the Boulder Faculty Assembly and the Office of Faculty Affairs serves to achieve these ends, in addition to preparing active faculty for retirement and celebrating the accomplishments of retired faculty and their contributions to the Boulder campus.

Details about the organizational structure, nominations for officers and responsibilities of the executive committee, and the association’s programs and eventswill be announcedthroughout the spring semester. For more information,emailthe Office of Faculty Affairs.