COVID-19 campus updates: May 6 edition
Through the spring semester, campus officials are providing weekly updates through CU Boulder Today.
Updates next week on campus operations and COVID-19 miitgation
An update will be provided the week of May 10 from the Pandemic Response Office with more information on how the campus will adjust summer operations under shifting public health guidance in the transition to a more traditional in-person experience this fall.
Campus leaders are analyzing the campus COVID-19 health and safety policy, mitigation measures on campus, events and activities guidance and other COVID-19 response efforts within the context of changes to public health conditions and restrictions.
County updates
- Boulder County Public Health is set to move Boulder County into Level Clear as of May 16. This will be a 90-day period of reduced public health restrictions while COVID-19 conditions are monitored.
- The county updated its mask order and extended it into June. Masks continue to be required in indoor public spaces on campus.
New Q&A session scheduled
A COVID-19 Campus Q&A webinar is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11, to provide an opportunity for the campus community to ask questions about updates to campus operations.
Updates forthcoming on vaccine requirement process
In support of the university’s commitment to health and safety, CU Boulder will require faculty, staff and students to receive the COVID-19 vaccine before the fall 2021 semester. This is in alignment with . The vaccine requirement will allow the campus to more fully return to a traditional campus experience for the fall 2021 semester. There will be medical and non-medical exemptions in alignment with other vaccine requirements.
Updates to the process for submitting information to meet the requirement are under development and will be added to the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements and Process webpage.
Getting the COVID-19 vaccine
The state of Colorado to help find locations to get the COVID-19 vaccine. All Coloradans 16 and older are eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine, and all Coloradans 18 and older are eligible to receive the Moderna or Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine.
Mobile vaccine clinic on University Hill
Students, staff, faculty and the Boulder community can get a COVID-19 vaccine at a mobile vaccine clinic on Friday, May 7. Theclinic, hosted by the Colorado Department of Public Health (CDPHE), will be offering theJanssen(Johnson & Johnson) vaccine and will be located in the parking lot aton University Hill. Get more details.
Staffing transition guidance for returning to on-campus work
Human Resources provided guidance to supervisors regarding the process and timing for assessing work environments and planning for increases in employee presence on campus beginning in June. The Research & Innovation Office is providing guidance on the timing and process for increasing on-campus research and creative work. Campus leaders will be working with their supervisors within each unit to develop their staffing plans.
COVID-19 testing, Buff Pass requirements change May 10
COVID-19 monitoring testing will not be required after May 10.
- Monitoring testing will continue to be available through Aug. 6 with reduced locations and hours. Starting May 10, monitoring testing sites will be available only at the following locations:
Village Center and Community Commons
- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday.
- Closed weekends and holidays.
- The testing site’s last day of operation is Friday, July 30.
University Memorial Center (UMC)
- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday.
- Closed weekends and holidays.
- The testing site’s last day of operation is Friday, Aug. 6.
Mobile testing site
- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pleasant Street Athens North, 1855 Athens St., in parking lot 13.
- Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Athens North, 1855 Athens St., in parking lot 131.
- The mobile testing site’s last day of operation is yet to be determined.
In the fall semester, the monitoring testing program will not be operating. Medical Services will continue COVID-19 diagnostic testing for faculty, staff and students.
Buff Pass becomes optional May 10
The daily completion of the will be optional as of May 10. Monitoring test results will still appear in Buff Pass through Aug. 6. The weekly report to supervisors will no longer be sent after the Buff Pass requirement ends May 10.
Boulder County approves new COVID-19 dial
Boulder County is anticipated to remain in Level Blue until May 16, 2021, as Boulder County Public Health adopted a .
Summer 2021 Event Guidance
An update to the campus’s Events and Activity Policy will be published the week of May 10 to align with the local BCPH COVID-19 dial and go into effect May 17 for the summer term.
Travel approval
Concur has been updated to reflect final approval for domestic travel for university-related business to be considered “approved” once the appropriate officer-level (dean or associate vice chancellor) is achieved. Provost or chief operating officer approval is no longer required for domestic travel. International travel for university-related business still requires approval from the appropriate officer and the provost or COO. Further guidance related to travel approvals is forthcoming from the CU System offices.
Find your study spot
- Visit theFind Your Study Spot webpageto see more about spaces available to reserve for studying or eating. Bookable rooms also have posters outside the door with links directly to the.
Campus affiliates can sign in with their IdentiKey and password and no longer have to wait for account approval. Getdetailed instructions for scheduling a spacewith the room scheduling tool.
Monitoring testing hours and locations
The monitoring testing sites at Kittredge Central, the Sustainability Energy & Environment Community (SEEC), Village Center, University Memorial Center (UMC) and Rec Center are open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. These sites and hours will be available until 5 p.m. on May 7.
- Village Center and Community Commons
- Kittredge Central (Room S163)
- University Memorial Center (UMC)
- Rec Center
- Sustainability, Energy & Environment Community (SEEC)
Mobile testing site hours and locations
In addition to the sites across campus, students, staff and faculty with a Buff OneCard can complete their COVID-19 monitoring test at a mobile testing unit. Mobile site locations and hours of operation:
- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. onPleasant Street.
- Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. atAthens North, 1855 Athens St., in parking lot 131.
Interviews continue virtually
Job interviews and other recruitment activities should continue to be conducted virtually until further notice.COVID-19 hiring guidanceis provided by Human Resources.
Building access
CU students, faculty and staff Buff OneCard holders have access to most buildings with scheduled in-person classes from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday through Friday. TheUniversity Libraries,Recreation CenterԻUMCpublish their respective hours on their websites. Getbuilding access information and see FAQs.
State COVID-19 resources
- Exposure notification service: The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment launched itsstatewide COVID-19 exposure notification systemin partnership with Google and Apple.
Contact information
Available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, contactBuff Info via emailor by phone: 303-492-INFO (4636).