Published: July 1, 2021

Senior Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Assessment Katherine Eggert today named Daryl Maeda dean of undergraduate education and vice provost, effective July 19.

Daryl Maeda


“Daryl Maeda brings vision and administrative experience to this vital role,” said Eggert. “His commitment to student success and creativity in forging pathways to that success impressed the search committee and me. I’m looking forward to having him lead our efforts to continue to reimagine and improve the undergraduate experience at CU Boulder.”

Maeda currently serves as the associate dean for student success and is an associate professor of ethnic studies in the College of Arts and Sciences. He joined the CU Boulder faculty in 2005.

“I am honored to accept this exciting position and eager to begin the work of serving our undergraduate students,” said Maeda. “These are exciting and challenging times for transforming the university, and I look forward to working with my faculty colleagues and staff partners to continue the vital work of infusing our undergraduate experience with new meaning, value and opportunity.”

Maeda holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Harvey Mudd College; a master’s degree and a doctorate in American culture from the University of Michigan; and a master’s degree in ethnic studies from San Francisco State University.

“I’d like to thank Ann Schmiesing, executive vice provost for academic resource management and chair of the search committee, and members of the search committee for their outstanding work throughout the search process,” said Eggert.

Maeda will succeed Mary Kraus, vice provost and associate vice chancellor for undergraduate education. Kraus joined the CU Boulder faculty in 1983, has held various high-level administrative positions and is retiring.

The dean of undergraduate education and vice provost also serves on the provost’s cabinet.

CU Boulder Provost Russell Moore lauded Maeda’s selection as dean and vice provost.

“Daryl will build upon the strong organization and record of achievement established by Mary Kraus,” said Moore. “I welcome him to our team, and I am looking forward to seeing how his energy, vision and commitment to our students will transform CU Boulder’s undergraduate experience.”