Published: May 31, 2022

Chancellor Philip DiStefano welcomed a delegation of energy, climate, environment and science counselors representing the European Union to CU Boulder on May 25 as part of the group's state tour.

The chancellor highlighted the university’s legacy of climate and environmental research and innovation and commitment to sustainability.He also acknowledged there is more we can all do.

“There’s more that we can do to improve our own community, to encourage positive change among our peers, and to influence public policy,” said DiStefano.“I’m a firm believer that we won’t make adequate progress in addressing the climate crisis without all of us working together, across geographical boundaries, across race and ethnicity, across political lines and so many other linesthat divide us.”

The chancellor highlighted the university hosting theRight Here, Right Now Global Climate Summitin partnership with United Nations Human Rights, Dec 1–4, and invited the delegation to participate in the event.

Mercedes Garcia Perez,leader of the three-day delegation of the EU learning mission to Colorado, discussed the EU’s goal of being climate neutral by 2050 and the urgency to become energy independent from Russia.Garcia Perez also highlighted the United States’ and EU’s shared objectives of combating climate change.

The delegation also heard from CU climate researchers and leaders from the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES); the National Snow and Ice Data Center; the Colorado Law School; as well as theColorado Parks and Wildlife commissioner.

As a global leader in climate, environmental and energy research, the is partnering with United Nations Human Rights to co-host the Right Here,Right Now Global Climate Summit in fall 2022.

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