A pill that could one day stave off aging. Tracking tweets for science. Soft robots that move like us. These are among the top 10 high-impact findings of research published by faculty and students in 2018. See more.
Ann Schmiesing is named senior vice provost for academic resource management, Michele Moses is vice provost and associate vice chancellor for Faculty Affairs and Leslie Reynolds is interim dean of the Graduate School.
Diagnostic efforts throughout the fall semester identified a series of workstreams, or areas that provide opportunity for financial innovation and resource creation, to enhance revenue.
In ‘Poetic Table of the Elements,’ students of Danny Long combine art and science, old and new, with a project in which they compose, typeset and hand-print 118 poems.
The project team continues to gather invaluable insights from campus stakeholders about where university departments see themselves in the future and how facilities can help them get there.
The project team has been working to bring students and campus offices together to design and build Buff Portal, which will be CU Boulder’s new student portal.