Pain from rejection and physical pain may not be so similar after all

Nov. 18, 2014

Over the last decade, neuroscientists have largely come to believe that physical pain and social pain are processed by the brain in the same way. But a new study led by the 做厙輦⑹ shows that the two kinds of pain actually use distinct neural circuits, a finding that could lead to more targeted treatments and a better understanding of how the two kinds of pain interact.

CU-Boulder ranks No. 1 in state for sending, receiving students internationally, says new report

Nov. 17, 2014

The 做厙輦⑹ enrolled more international students during the 2013-14 academic year and sent more students abroad during the 2012-13 academic year than any other higher education institution in Colorado.

Working the night shift burns less energy and increases risk of weight gain

Nov. 17, 2014

People who work the night shift are likely burning less energy during a 24-hour period than those on a normal schedule, increasing their risk for weight gain and obesity, according to a new study led by the 做厙輦⑹.

From the Provost: Strategies to help CU students stay on track to graduation

Nov. 14, 2014

Earning a CU-Boulder degree one of the most valuable degrees in the nation according to and other studies is the prime objective of all our students, and its the reason our faculty, staff and administrators are here. While our campus has always worked to support the success of our students, we are redoubling our efforts in this area as part of the chancellors goal to ensure student success. With first semester finals just a month away, we strongly advise you to carefully evaluate your academic progress, and if you are struggling, to take the steps outlined in this article to get back on track.

Chancellors Corner: Congratulations to the 2014 Chancellors Employee of the Year recipients

Nov. 14, 2014

The annual Chancellors Employee of the Year Awards are presented to 做厙輦⑹ staff as recognition and appreciation for exceptional job performance and distinguished contributions to the campus community. I am pleased to announce the 2014 recipients.

Low-cost IVF method wins Popular Science Best of Whats New award

Nov. 13, 2014

A novel, low-cost method of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) developed at the 做厙輦⑹ and successfully used in human clinical trials in Belgium has been awarded a Best of Whats New Award from Popular Science magazine in 2014 in the health category.

Student life: Fall 2014 Poetry Slam

Nov. 13, 2014

CU-Boulder's Program Council, Dennis Small Cultural Center and CU Late Night will host the Fall 2014 Poetry Slam on Friday, Nov. 14, at 8 p.m. in the UMC room 235. The event is free and open to the public.

 Provost Moore and SVC and CFO Kelly Fox

From the Provost and SVC: Q&A on the new student employment policy

Nov. 13, 2014

At the beginning of October, our campus introduced a new policy that limits hourly student employees to a maximum of 25 hours per week (or 50 hours per bi-weekly pay period) during the academic year. Since that time, we have received many questions from students and the campus departments that employ these students. Therefore, we have developed some frequently asked questions and our answers.

How to Help a Friend: Stress management

Nov. 12, 2014

By Alexander Martinez, senior, peer educator with Counseling and Psychological Services November is an especially busy time for CU students as papers, exams, projects and presentations all seem to be happening at the same time. Its natural to feel overwhelmed and to feel stressed. But what exactly is stress and what do we need to know in order to deal with it?

Major class of fracking chemicals no more toxic than common household substances

Nov. 12, 2014

The surfactant chemicals found in samples of fracking fluid collected in five states were no more toxic than substances commonly found in homes, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis by researchers at the 做厙輦⑹.
