CU-Boulder To Sponsor High School Essay Contest

Nov. 2, 1999

Colorado high school seniors applying to the University of Colorado at Boulder for fall 2000 can display their writing skills by entering the annual University Writing Program essay contest. Interested students should submit two essays — their best analytical or argumentative essay written in high school, and a personal narrative of two to three pages that is inspired by the first paper — by Jan. 18, 2000, according to Deborah Viles, the contest’s co-director.

Discovery Of Oldest Astronomical Site Focus Of Fiske Planetarium Show

Nov. 2, 1999

Evidence of the worldÂ’s earliest known astronomical site will be the topic of a live astronomy show at the Fiske Planetarium next week. J. McKim Malville, an astronomy professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, will present, "First Light and Old Stones: Astronomy Among the Megaliths of Southern Egypt," Nov. 9 at 7:30 p.m.

Accoustical Technology Developed At CU-Boulder Helps Make Clean Water

Oct. 31, 1999

A new University of Colorado at Boulder technology that uses an acoustical device similar to a medical ultrasound probe is providing a promising new technique to inspect the fouling of thin membranes used to purify drinking water. The membranes have pores so small they can let water molecules pass through while excluding unwanted molecules and particulates such as salts, viruses and bacteria, said chemical engineering Professor William Krantz. The technique involves bouncing acoustic waves from the surface of a porous membrane, he said.

Changes To Arts And Sciences Advising Aimed At Improving Service To Undergrads

Oct. 31, 1999

Academic advising for students in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder is becoming more personalized and comprehensive as the college creates a new advising system first recommended by a campus task force three years ago. Improvements will continue to be phased in over time as an initial wave of hiring is completed this fall, according to Elizabeth Guertin, director of advising and assistant dean of the college. Funding will then be sought to add more advisers over the next year or two.

CU-Boulder Hosts Investment Banking Forum

Oct. 31, 1999

Investment banking -- a growing strength of the Denver business community -- will be the focus of the CU-Boulder College of Business Investment Banking Forum, sponsored by Lehman Brothers, Inc., on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Keynote speaker Robert Kiernan, managing director of Lehman Brothers, Inc., will address "Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice: Anatomy of a Deal" from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the College of Business room 224. Panel discussions from 10:45-12:45 p.m., also in room 224, will feature local investment professionals.

CU-Boulder Professor Patricia Limerick Named President Of Western History Association

Oct. 31, 1999

Professor Patricia Nelson Limerick, a leading historian of the American West who teaches at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has been named president of the Western History Association. Her naming as president comes after a period of change for the WHA. When Limerick attended her first WHA meeting in 1983, she was struck by the results of a new poll on the opinions of western American historians.

Top Execs From Nissan, Inacom Speak To CU-Boulder Students

Oct. 28, 1999

Editors: In some cases, we can arrange meetings for reporters with these business leaders prior to or following their lectures. Call Lori Call (303) 492-0786 for assistance. Top executives from Nissan and Inacom Corp. will discuss their successful business careers with CU-Boulder students enrolled in the Profiles in American Enterprise class this fall. John Hess, a professor at the College of Business and Administration at the University of Colorado at Boulder, brings highly successful CEOs and entrepreneurs to class lectures as part of the Profiles course.

CU-Boulder Hosts National Conference On Assistive Technology Nov. 17-19

Oct. 28, 1999

Note to Editors: A complete conference agenda is attached. Students from all over the world are using information technology on a daily basis. At the University of Colorado at Boulder, students with disabilities are no exception. CU-Boulder's Assistive Technology Lab enables students to access computer systems, information resources and on-line services such as the World Wide Web and other Internet services. The lab also provides access to alternate writing tools, as well as alternate formats for print and graphical material.

CU-Boulder Implements Bill Of Rights For Instructors

Oct. 27, 1999

Many instructors at the University of Colorado at Boulder are now reaping benefits traditionally unobtainable to them — across the board minimum salaries, a level of job security and retirement benefits — thanks to a new "instructor bill of rights." Known to academics as non tenure-track faculty, instructors and lecturers are often hired by universities to teach large undergraduate courses.

David Aragon Returns To CU-Boulder As Director Of SEED Program

Oct. 27, 1999

David Aragon, former associate director of CU-Boulder's Minority Engineering Program, has returned to the campus as director of the nationally recognized program, now called Success in Engineering through Excellence and Diversity.
