Rebecca Maloy, a professor of musicology and the director of the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, will deliver her in-person Distinguished Research Lecture, “Constructing Sanctity Through Sound in Early Medieval Iberia.”
Free and open to the entire campus community, this summit is designed for participants to learn about equity and how it impacts athletes, being an ally, addressing inequities and connecting with campus resources for support. Register now and plan to attend!
CU Boulder's Andrew Lucas and Bethany Wilcox have been awarded the Early Career Development Program, one of the NSF’s most prestigious awards, to improve the teaching of quantum mechanics to students and to search for new kinds of fluids.
Will Loughlin, a senior in computer science, went from being a lacrosse player with a passion for intramural basketball to being a walk-on for the CU's men's basketball team—the first time this has happened in at least 12 years.
Michael Lewis took an interdisciplinary education to the next level. After graduating with a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering and working at Boeing for a year, he discovered another way to help people—through medicine.
Students from the United States and five other countries will be cheering when a small satellite called INSPIRESat-1 lifts off from a rocket pad in India on Monday, Feb. 14.
From Coke's “I'd like to teach the world to sing” in 1972 to Apple's iconic launch in 1984 to this year's raucous, carefree humor, Super Bowl ads reflect who we are as a culture—or what we'd like to be. Take a look back and forward with advertising industry veteran Kelty Logan.
Samira Rajabi, assistant professor of media studies, spent years battling a brain tumor. Her experience of trauma and finding support through social media inspired research she hopes will help others.
Tune in for Leeds Business Insights, a new podcast offering actionable takeaways on current topics like supply chains, digital transformation and diversity, equity and inclusion.
In this week’s update, get reminders about the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination booster requirement, mask requirements and distribution, and what to do following a positive COVID-19 diagnosis if you are student, faculty or staff.