Atmospheric Upper Region Observation and Research Analysis (AURORA)

Project Topic: Research Payload Design for Suborbital Space Environment Data Collection Ìý
Description: AURORA aims to design a payload to measure atmospheric density over position and time within suborbital space environments that is compatible with launch vehicle systems. Suborbital space environments hold the key to understanding fundamental atmospheric processes, such as the escape of gas into space and unique atmospheric density transitions. Despite its importance, this region of space is relatively unexplored due to the difficulty encountered in reaching and observing it. AURORA will consist of a deployment system and sensor suite that will facilitate data collection as the payload descends from above the Karman Line.
Sponsor: BAE Systems
Team Members
- Lauren Christenson (PM)
- Marcus Linton
- Ciara Hume
- Hari Humar
- Rudolf Hansen
- Anvie Gowrishankar
- Charlie Peabody
- Sierra Vesey
- Margot Daberkow
- Maria Jose Rodriguez
- Jess Alschuler
- Alex Willebrand