Updated resources have been moved to the Center for Teaching and Learning,but the following resources should be helpful for deapremnts. The College of Arts and Sciences offers departments a wide array of support for QTI.
- QTI in a Box (Tailored resources as departments adopt, adapt, or author QTI plans):
- Student Voice: Tools and processes for student interviews, FCQs and more.
- Peer Voice: Routine collegial discussions about teaching practice and protocols to guide classroom observations offer departments ways to improve both teaching and evaluation.
- QTI Self Voice: Faculty self voice is key evidence to evaluate teaching.This section suggests ways to conduct self-reflection, teaching statements, etc.
- Sample Rubric:This rubric could be adopted “as is”; adapted for your unit (feel free to make a copy/download to modify); or used as a starting point to author a departmental framework. (What we mean by "scholarly framework.")
- QTI Checklists and Project Management Tools: Departmental committees can use these tools to develop new, comprehensiveand equitable approaches to evaluating teaching.
- Additional resources:
- A&S overview of timing/processes for reappointment, promotion and tenure.
- Glossary of QTI key terms.
- QTI Practical Guidance on Using FCQs
- VCAC Checklist: expectations for dossier contents from the Office of Faculty Affairs and the VIce Chancellor’s Advisory Council, with which QTI is aligned.
- ASSETT Faculty Fellows.
- At CU and beyond.
- Materials for Transforming Evaluation from the Teaching Quality Framework Initiative, QTI’s sister project:
- Sample Timeline and Process for Departmental Work on Transforming Teaching
- What Other Institutions Are Doing to Improve Teaching Evaluation
- CU is part of a national effort to advance Teaching Evaluation—