Fall CoursesFall Courses Fall Courses ATOC 1050 Weather and the Atmosphere ATOC 1060 Our Changing Environment ATOC 1070 Weather and the Atmosphere LAB ATOC 3070 Intro to Oceanography ATOC 3600 Principles of Climate ATOC 4500 Special Topics - Upper DivisionAcquaints students at the upper division level with current research in atmospheres, oceans, and climate. Topics may vary each semester. ATOC 4550/5550 Mountain Meteorology ATOC 4710 Intro to Atmospheric Physics ATOC 4730/5730 Physical Oceanography and Climate ATOC 4750/5750 Desert Meteorologyoffered in odd numbered years ATOC 4760 Physics and Chemistry of Clouds and Aerosolscurrently offered as ATOC 4500 Special Topics ATOC 4815/5815 Scientific Programming, Data Analysis & Visualization LAB ATOC 4825/5825 Instrument LABcurrenlty offered as ATOC 4500 Special Topics ATOC 4870/5870 Weather Modeling LABcurrently offered as ATOC 4500 Special Topicsoffered in odd numbered years ATOC 4875/5875 Climate Modeling LABcurrently offered as ATOC 4500 Special Topicsoffered in even numbered years ATOC 4885/5885 Boundary Layer Meteorologycurrently offered as ATOC 4500 Special Topicsoffered in even numbered years ATOC 4890/5890 Synoptic Meteorologycurrently offered as ATOC 4500 Special Topicsoffered in even numbered years ATOC 5050 Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Dynamics ATOC 5051 Intro to Physical Oceanography ATOC 5151 Atmospheric Chemistry ATOC 5300 The Global Carbon Cycleoffered in odd numbered yearsFor Undergraduate StudentsMajorMinorGen Ed RequirementsIntroductory Course Learning GoalsUndergraduate Research OpportunitiesProfessional DevelopmentStudy Abroad OpportunitiesFor Prospective Graduate StudentsGraduate Certificate ProgramsCertificate in Atmospheric and Oceanic SciencesCertificate in OceanographyFor Current Graduate StudentsCoursesFall CoursesSpring CoursesSpring 2025Summer 2025Fall 2025Classroom DemosData-Driven Learning LibraryConduct & ReportingStudent's CornerAcademic FAQGrader/Exam Proctor