Undergraduate Course Registration Resources
Are you running into an error adding a class?Wondering what happens with a waitlist? Check out these common issues andfrequently asked questionsabout class registration.
Restricted Courses:Some sections of classes may be reserved for specific groups of students. You won’t be able to enroll in those sections if your don’t meet the criteria.
- Sections ending in “R:” Class sections with an “R” at the end are restricted to students living in a Residential Academic Program, or RAP.
- Section numbers in the 800s:These are reserved for specific populations of students, such as Honors students or non-native speakers of English.You can view details about who the class is for by reading the Registration Restrictions, Class Notes or Class Attributes under the course description.
Credit Hour Limits:If you are getting an error that you are unable to add a course because the “Term Maximum [has been] Exceeded,” check the following:
- You are allowed to enroll in up to 19 hours prior to the first day of class.This includes waitlisted courses.You may need to drop a course before adding another.
- You may be hitting the credit limit for an 8-weekSpecial Session course. Leeds students are only allowed to enroll in 4.5 credits in a special session (for example, three MODs courses). Check to make sure you aren’t trying to take four MODs in one session, or that your Gen Ed / non-business elective isn’t also an 8-week course.
Trouble with the MODS & BASE:Here are some common issues that may occur when enrolling in the MODs and BASE.
- Check to make sure you have the correct number of MODS in each Special Session (8-week session). For the BCOR 2200 MODs, take three in each session; for the BCOR 2300 MODs, take twoin each session
- Add all of the MODs to your shopping cart.The BCOR 2200 courses are corequisites of each other, and the same is true for the BCOR 2300 MODs. You will get an error message until you have all the corequisite classes in your shopping cart. You cannot enroll in them one at a time.
- Check to make sure all the sections you want to enroll in are open.There are no waitlists for the MODs or BASE.
- Check for time conflicts.A time conflict for just one class will give you an error message on all courses.Make sure to read through all the error messages to look for one that is showing a time conflict message.
- Check for any enrollment restrictions. Do you meet the registration requirements? Remember, only honors students can enroll in 800 sections of the MODs.
A list of other Enrollment Error messages can be found on the Registrar’s website.
Leeds advisors recommend avoiding waitlists whenever possible.In the rare instancewhen waitlisting for a class is necessary, follow these guidelines:
- Always have a back up course. When you are waitlisted you are not enrolled in a course.You will have access to the Canvas page, but that is not a guarantee you will be enrolled. Make sure you have a back-up class in case you do not enroll.
- Set up Drop-If Enrolled for your alternate course. Make sure you add the open course first before waitlisting for your preferred section. Follow these instructions to set up Drop if Enrolled
- Don’t assumeenrollment.Don't assumeyou will enroll in the class no matter your waitlist position! Classroom capacity, course priority, and where you are in the enrollment cycle all play a part in how and if a student will enroll off a waitlist.
- Do not ask Leeds professors for permission to enroll in a class.They will refer you to your academic advisor for help adjusting your schedule to enroll in an open class.
- Attend both your waitlisted and alternate courses. By attending both classes you will not be behind on coursework for the class you ultimately end up taking.
Visit the Registrar's website for more information about waitlists.
Check out this for help selecting a Gen Ed!
- Use the “General Education” filters in the Class Search to look for courses that complete the various Business Gen Ed requirements.
- Business students should use the filter for “ANY BUSN GenEd Attributes" to search.
- Check class attributes
- You can double check the course you selected will count for Gen Ed by checking the Class Attributes on the course description page. If the Gen Ed category you are looking for is not listed, the course does not count.
- You can also run a new degree audit once you have enrolled in classes. If you see your course listed under the Gen Ed category in your audit, the course fulfills that requirement.
What is a non-business elective vs. a business elective?
- A business elective is any business course that is not required for your area of emphasis.
- A non-business elective could be any course outside of Leeds.Prerequisites and restrictions will apply.
How to find a non-business elective?
- There is no way to search for a non-business elective specifically since the category is so broad!Try using the Gen Ed filters to get started or search a keyword like “photography.”
What is an easy elective?
- There is no simple answer to this question.Easy is subjective and varies from student to student.Try asking your friends or our peer advisors for recommendations of electives they have enjoyed.Ask why they liked them, what the workload was like, and make the decision based on what is best for you.
- Choose a class you find interesting.You are more likely to do well if you enjoy the content.
Here are some ways you can check your schedule:
- Confirm you are enrolled in classes!
- Just having the classes in your shopping cart does not mean you are enrolled. Make sure you click "Continue to Enrollment" and then "Submit Registration."
- Confirm your schedule on the "Class Schedule" card in Buff Portal. Note: you may need to filter to a future term.
- Double check your class schedule with the courses on your advising plan.
- Refer back to the advising plan you made with your academic advisor.Do the classes you are taking cover the courses you laid out for this term?
- Run your degree audit.
- Run a new degree audit 10-15 minutes after you enroll. It takes some time for the two systems to sync up.
- Here is a how-to video on running your degree audit:.
- Make sure your classes are counting in the areas you want them to.
- Confirm that your chosen elective course is counting for a non-business elective or a business elective (business classes do not count as non-business electives).
- Confirm your Gen Ed course counting under the category you want it to.
- Run a new degree audit 10-15 minutes after you enroll. It takes some time for the two systems to sync up.
- If you enrolled in a class but cannot find it in your degree audit, check the following:
- Did you accidently enroll in the class pass/fail? Leeds students are allowed to take 6 hours of non-business electives only as pass/fail. Anything beyond that will not count toward your degree.
- Is the course counting for repeat credit?Certain courses are too similar in content to allow you to take them both.You can check the "Course History"section of your degree audit. If you see an “R” next to a course, that means it is being repeated.
Registration FAQ video
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- Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program
- William M. White Business Library
- Transfer to Leeds (IUT) Advising Resource