Our Program



To help children feel comfortable in school, trust their new environment, make friends and feel they are a part of a community.



To help children experience pride and self-confidence, develop independence and self-control and have a positive attitude toward life.



To help children become confident learners by letting them try out their own ideas and experience success.



To help children increase their large and small motor skills and feel confident about what their bodies can do.

Toddlers in sand box


6 weeks - 18 months old

  • These children require a safe, nurturing environment while they develop key physical skills.
  • They begin to socialize and build positive relationships.
  • Consistency and routine is a key emphasis.
  • We partner with parents to support your child’s growth at every stage of development.
Toddlers in sand box


12 - 36 months old

  • These children are typically active explorers who generally try new things and use materials in different ways.
  • They strive to be independent and have a strong sense of ownership.
  • Emphasis is placed on the significance of the parent/child relationship for the growth and development of toddlers.
  • We foster a partnership between staff and parents to best meet each child's needs.
Preschoolers holding puppets


2.5 - 5 years old

  • These children transition from a "play alone" stage to a "play with friends" stage.
  • The need for a balance between group and individual time is one of crucial importance.
  • Children are able to choose from a variety of activities, including outdoor play, manipulatives, art, music, movement, dress up, cooking, etc.
  • We emphasize social development and intentional play to prepare our children to be skillful negotiators and creative problem solvers.

Colorado Department of Human Services Accreditation


Colorado Logos



“CU Children’s Center embraces the philosophy of learning through play. I feel my children have received a strong foundation in life-long learning, self-confidence, respect and friendships of adults (teachers) and peers (kids). My children are loved at the Children’s Center.” - Parent and five-year patron

“You have been there to help us navigate difficult transitions as the girls moved into new classrooms, made new friends and grew accustomed to being at school for full days. I truly appreciate the sense of community I have felt over the years...Looking back, I feel very proud to have sent our girls to the Children's Center for the entirety of their pre-K education.” - Parent of 6 years

For more detailed information about the center, please review the Parent Handbook.