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You, Your Parent, and Your Caregiving Journey

You, Your Parent and Your Caregiving Journey book cover

By Carole MacNeil (PhDEdu'00)
(Gatekeeper Press, 317 pages; 2024)

No matter where you are on your caregiving journey,You, Your Parent, and Your Caregiving Journey: Strategies,Resources, and Inspiration to Guide the Waywill provide you with a new, more positive way to think about your parents’ aging process. And it will give you tools, practical strategies, and inspiration that you can use at every stage in the journey.You, Your Parent, and Your Caregiving Journeyguides you through five important “Waypoints” of caregiving, offering information, skills, and proven strategies on how to:
• Understand aging in a new way, one that enhances the quality of your parent’s latter years;
• Have the conversations and do the preparations that will make your journey easier;
• Assess and ensure your parent’s safety;
• Make decisions with your parent about the best living options;
• Deal with the changes associated with dementia; and
• Stay healthy and happy throughout your caregiving journey.
This book will help you be a more effective, more compassionate, and less stressed caregiver. Even more, it will help you see that your caregiving journey will be worth the taking.