A message from Todd Haggerty
Earlier this spring, I developed and shared a vivid vision for the work of Finance and Business Strategy with FBS staff. If you’re not familiar, a vivid vision is an invitation to imagine the future. It differs from a strategic plan in important ways. It completely ignores the “how” and instead focuses solely on the “what” of the future state - what it looks like; feels like; what people are saying about the organization and its work; what’s changed.
I’ll admit that drafting this vision was a bit nerve-wracking for me. In putting pen to paper, however, I found the vision I was beginning to see was based on the experiences and conversations I’ve had with the FBS team - and with many of you - in the seven months I’ve been on campus.
It may feel like we work in silos sometimes, but the truth is we all are connected: by our work at this incredible university and by our desire to see its students, faculty and staff succeed and thrive. I see the vision as a living, breathing guide; something that will continue to evolve as we co-create the future together. I’m excited to share an excerpt from my vivid vision with you, because you are a part of it.
I’d also like to share a decision I’ve made not to fill the role of deputy CFO, previously held by Katrina Spencer. Instead, I have elected to have Mandy Cole and Vicki Nichol report to me directly: Mandy as associate vice chancellor for budget and planning (BFP) and Vicki as associate vice chancellor and campus controller (CCO). Please join me in congratulating both Mandy and Vicki!
The decision to forgo filling the deputy CFO position at this time allows me to be in close proximity to the important work the BFP and CCO teams are executing for campus, including implementation of the new budget model, GASB 96, and everyone’s favorite yearly event - Fiscal! Year! End! At a time when it is clear that our tuition alone will not cover our current expenses, not filling this position in FBS is also a strategic choice.
While I have only been at CU Boulder for seven months, I have been blown away by the amazing collaboration and problem solving across FBS and the campus. As we face future opportunities and challenges, I am confident that our strong foundation will enable our success. The structural changes in FBS build upon this foundation and serve to accelerate the critical work we have in supporting the mission of the university.
Todd Haggerty
Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
Excerpt from Todd's vivid vision for Finance and Business Strategy:
In budget-related conversations, faculty and staff across campus no longer focus entirely on challenges but discuss priorities and improved ways of sharing resources. They are invested in demonstrating how their activities align with campus priorities. Faculty and staff say we are a trusted and impactful team that always promotes a “university first” mindset. They tell us that we help make change happen; that we make things easier and clearer; and that our actions are aligned with campus priorities in every direction. People frequently comment on not just our collective expertise, but that FBS is fun, authentic, and doesn’t take itself too seriously.