Budget & Fiscal News - November 2022
From Leadership
In Case You Missed It
Use these HR/GL payroll reporting tools to verify payroll funding
These tools provide departments with an excellent way to proactively review payroll activities and potentially reduce the number of payroll expense transfers needed to properly report activities on sponsored research.
Find out how benefits are impacted by PETs
Payroll expense transfers (PETs) are after-the-fact transfers to move salaries between speedtypes, projects and within awards. Find out how fringe benefits might be impacted by a PET and what happens if you move pay that is over a year old.
Helpful tips and reminders about information management
Over the past few years, we’ve learned a lot of valuable lessons from our work with sponsors, internal and external auditors, and campus partners for managing information. Refresh your knowledge with these helpful tips and reminders.
Announcing Staff Changes
Find out about recent changes to the Budget and Finance team, including staff in the Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning and the Campus Controller's Office.