Budget & Fiscal News - April 2023
Get a head start on fiscal year-end tasks
It’s that time of year again! It may only be April, but fiscal year-end is just around the corner. What can you do now to get ready for June 30? Here are a few tips and upcoming dates to get you started.
New ePERs tile for principal investigators
We are pleased to share that University Information Services has created a new ePERs tile for principal investigators. Also, please help initiate standard business practice for principal investigators, researchers, department research administrators and fiscal managers to take ePERs training.
Account code for data management and sharing
Due to the National Institute of Health requirements, the Data Sharing account code has been modified to capture data management and sharing expenses. Use this account code when posting allowable costs such as curating data, developing supporting documentation, de-identifying data and more.
Need to know updates on accounting standards
When to disclose conflicts of interest or commitment
All faculty members, and anyone engaged in research at—or for—CU Boulder, are required to disclose external professional activities and significant financial and personal interests that could compromise, or appear to compromise, their judgment when performing their university responsibilities.
Announcing Staff Changes
Find out about recent changes to the Budget and Finance team, including staff in the Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning and the Campus Controller's Office.